A Treat Sweeter Than Candy
She was a pirate bounty hunter, sporting a large hat, white ruffled shirt, and some leather stitched pants to complete the look. she had grace in her step only matched by the beauty in her form.
PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:6
"shiro is my name and don't worry about class i'll be handling that, come we are wasting time" shiro turned and walked away catching surprised looks from the students and bounty hunter teams who had seen the fight with charmander.
Shayde's Story Chapter 3
A huge reward was on offer for her, enough to bring even novice bounty-hunters out of the woodwork, even if they knew they were no match for her.
Karl the One Horn: Prologue
There had been a reward for her head, but she had managed to keep just a few days ahead of the bounty hunters, that was until she finally found solice in summarily.
The Wanderer - Part I
Because of that he had gotten a reputation as a good bounty hunter very fast. it was said, he had never turned down a job, and, what added more to his reputation, he never failed.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 20-The Curse Is Lifted
I suffered greatly before i passed at the hands of eastern bounty hunters, soon the entire earth will know the pain i experienced in the hours that lead to my death at the hands of your kind. your time is up emelia, it's been up for ten years!"
A Serpent, a Sword, and a Dragon
Both bounty hunters seemed untouchable as they wove through the outlaws like farmers scything down wheat. bullet casings rained to the ground in a brass cascade.
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 1: Prophecy
The bounty hunters eyes narrowed at that "that's a likely story."
Possessed StoryLine
They meet up when gwendal, who is a bounty hunter/officer, hunts down the she-wolf. she is injured and the werewolf knocked unconscious. to survive the nightrose had to take over his body there for possessing him.
Mission Report (Otherwise Untitled)
~ as it settled the sights of the pistol on him, boss recognized the arm as being from one of his preferred bounty hunters.
Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which a few Unexpected Mishaps Occur
The bounty hunter threw jaqaran back into the dark room. the still and silent bodies welcomed him back as he curled himself in a defensive ball, his mind frozen solid.
She had to come to terms with the fact the kind bounty hunter may not be returning. her ear flicked as she heard the faint sound of paw-steps walking up the porch stairs followed by the sound of knocking echoing through the house.