Boy Scouting: A Baby Blue Short
**in brief:** from the secret origin files of baby blue, this is a short look at what dex, the team's troubled combat leader, was doing around the time of _[operation baby blue](%5c)_ , and how he met wilderness team leaders ace and jax.
While wandering through the mass wilderness of poke island i couldn't help but hear rustling and crunching of old leaves. i really didn't think too much of the sound so i continued my little morning walk.
Corrupted Souls-Chapter One
In a sense, it's the sequel to hieroglyphs, set 20 years after the events of that story and stars the son of christa wilder--me. i have issues with motivation, so uploads for new chapters will be slow and sporadic, unfortunately.
Story: Rex - Old Blue Eyes the Wanderer
By lucky chance, a gaaric captain by the name of gairiff naar and his crew were doing some exploration of the wilderness of where at the time was british america.
The Zoo Poké
Though the wilderness made sense if she came from outside the zoo, "yes, wilderness." "wow, must be nice," the male said, smiling she noticed how nice he looked and how strong he was.
The Sincerest Form
It hadn't occurred to klein that he should have been worried about having been left alone sleeping in the morning in the middle of the wilderness.
Flora: Painted Journey Chapter 1
Even if aria fished through her accounts and bought a ticket to dewclaw it wouldn't let her explore the wilderness and many of the other places she wanted to head to.
Team Argos, Book 1: The Unveiling Prologue
Up to this point, the wilderness areas had been relatively untouched, but now they become engulfed in an inferno. millions of people died. millions more became deathly ill. a few survived, deeply scarred. fewer still came out unscathed.
The Fox, The Rat and The Beast (edited and improved)
New edited version of my story this is my story proluge, i submitted it before but it was a mess, so i edited, cleaned up and improved it the evening sunlight shown through the tree top as the smell of a wilderness of pine trees
Poem: Flameout
You're alone anyway in a crowd, in a wilderness the less that are with you the less you might crash with do you want your friend by your side if it's a smoking hole in the ground? if you hit he should live.
The Hike
:p **the hike** _by: ron lebeck_ it was getting to be time again to head off into the wilderness. this is something i do periodically when i need to dispel the pressures cast upon my individuality by the world of man.
Hoseki Hanran
One day, when she was nearly an adult, she asked her brother if he could take her to see the wilderness. they had gone many times, but she wanted to see it one final time before she was to submit to a master.