Pre-Summer Fun - Part 6 [END]

"look, there's the sunset over there." "meh, the sunset wasn't as beautiful as i had hoped." brandon mumbled, staring at the ball of hot gas with disappointment. "can't deny the view though." allen said. "yeah..."

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Song of heart. (A taste of what I have composed in the past.)

Here by my side, as beautiful as the sunset. in the most graceful night we shall get. ## over a thousand seas the grace of the moon, sprays sparks of gold. the bay is in flames.


"my old name was sunset. my parents gave me that name because my scale colorings were in the sunset." suddenly, sakura's eyes lit up. "i think i can help you!" she grabbed marissa's hand and pulled her down the stairs.


Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion

What matters is the sunset found me there. i glimpsed him through the trees. i followed him. his eyes were sad and bishop-serious and each was an entire sunset landscape.

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The loss of a loving Mother

At sunset, demon and angel bury their mother with their mom's necklace on a wooden cross. the made her grave on a hill under an apple tree so the sunset would shine beautifully on their mom's grave.

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Lucario And The Aftermath - Chapter 1: Alone...

He walks to the bright lake and relaxes, sitting down and enjoying the orange sunsets reflection on the lake 'pretty'. he gets up and looks at his own reflection in the water, noticing again how much different he now is.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #021 - Yineh

Yineh: what do you think of your first tree top sunset, li-li? lina: it's very pretty, surprisingly different from the high ridge ocean view sunsets i'm used to seeing in tarico.

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Your Laughter

My lips parted for a moment as the sunset's rays dazzled my eyes. **"yes... it is very beautiful..."** i murmured back. the girl giggled and held my arm as she leaned on me carefully.

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Remember Me 1 - With Eyes Reflecting Sunsets

"you shall see for yourself, now as i said this shan't take long, we are spelunking to its natural end and then once it is sunset we return home."

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

"we still have hours before sunset, why don't we go and spend the hours today training and enjoy it" said daisy seeing jason walk back to the tree.

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Latios and Latias EP.2 (Part 6)

Lucario looked at the sunset as did adam. riolu climbed onto lucario's shoulder and sat there. it was like a family photo. "_it's beautiful._" lucario thought "_i never thought i would see a sunset like this. holding adam's hand here.

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