Latios and Latias EP.2 (Part 6)

Story by Snow34 on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokemon

Here is part 6. Sorry if it took so long to upload. I had slight writers block. I didn't know what to write. Anway.

Next time Chapter 7:the secret room.

Adam belongs to me.

Latias, Latios, Lucario and Riolu belongs to @Pokemon/Game freak/Nintendo

Chapter 6: The Truth<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Latios and Latias knew why Adam couldn't speak. Something was happening to Adam, but they don't know what it was quite yet.

"Outstanding," Latios thought ", the sound only comes from your mind telling us what he wants to tell us. The tone is the same, when he asks a question; it's with a questioning tone.


"Is there a way to reverse it?"

"You are the only human that got here. No, sorry. We don't. If there was, we would be doing it now." Adam felt really frustrated, like he was going to be like this forever. He looked outside from the mansion and saw the same Lucario from before and with a Riolu with him/her. Adam rubbed his eyes. This was no illusion. He saw a real Lucario and Riolu just standing there. Staring right at him. Adam closed his eyes. He sensed that the Lucario was a master at aura training. Riolu was just starting. Latias and Latios were examining the mansion they were in. Adam could sense that Lucario was here for a reason. But why bring a Riolu with it? Adam opened his eyes. He went towards the door, opened it, and closed it behind him. He walked, cautiously towards the Riolu and Lucario. Adam closed his eyes. Lucario aura was getting unstable. Lucario was scared. However, Rilou's aura didn't change. Riolu didn't know what to think at this time. Adam opened his eyes. He went to Lucario first. It stepped away slowly. Adam held out his hands to Lucario. Lucario froze. What was it afraid of?

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." Lucario just stared at his hand. He (or she) slowly out his/her paw and went to hold Adam's hand. Lucario did this slowly; he/she thought Adam was going to attack him. He/she held Adam's hand. Adam just slightly tightened his grasp on his/her paw. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to know why you were looking at me. Can you explain?" Lucario sighed 'it' started.

"I came here because I never saw a human in this world before." Adam knew that this was a female Lucario. He noticed that the Lucario's telepathy voice was feminine. Adam listened closely as Lucario explained. "I wanted to talk to you, but I was afraid if you hurt me or not. So I tried to keep my distance. Riolu came here too because he never saw a human before either. He wanted to see one, and here you are." Adam nodded, here he is. In a world where no human has been. Left out from the crowd.

"Is that the only reason you came here?" Lucario nodded. Adam started to leave, and felt a strong hold in his hand. Lucario's paw was holding Adam's hand. Adam was trying to pull away. Nothing budged. He held out his other hand to Lucario. She shot her hand at Adam's other had and held it. She looked like she was about to cry. Adam felt worried. Why would Lucario cry? Adam wiped away her tear. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to leave me."

"Why would I leave you?"

"It looks like you don't have a mother or brother with you, do you?"

"No. I do not."

"Then come and live with us. We will take of you to the best of our abilities. I promise to take care of you." Adam was astonished! He never thought he would hear a Pokémon asking if he wanted to live as a family with them. What will he do? He thought he could live with Latias and Latios living among legendary dragons, on the other hand there is Lucario and Riolu the masters of aura, they seem like a decent family and maybe they will teach him the power of aura one day. It was a hard decision, but he finally made his decision. Adam nodded.

"I will. But, first, come out of the shadows. I need to see you in the sunlight." Adam lightly pulled her out of the shadows of the trees. Riolu followed them. It was sunset, when Adam met Lucario. She looked amazing! Light blue fur with a white chest. It was the one he knew. Riolu looked similar to her. But Adam knew that the Riolu must be male.

"An apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess." Adam thought to himself. Lucario looked at the sunset as did Adam. Riolu climbed onto Lucario's shoulder and sat there. It was like a family photo.

"It's beautiful." Lucario thought "I never thought I would see a sunset like this. Holding Adam's hand here. It feels heavenly..." She laid her head on Adam's shoulder. Adam blushed when she did that. Riolu seemed to be asleep on his mother's shoulder. Like mother, like son I guess. It's usually like father, like son. But since this family doesn't have an adult male in their home, Adam can't wait to see what awaited him there. As the sun lowered deeper to the big blue sea, almost extinguished from view, Adam carried her and her young son inside the mansion to an empty bedroom. He laid them on a bed to get some rest, they needed it. Adam closed the door slowly and sighed. He wondered where he was going to live from now on. He needed to know, he just had to. But he will just have to wait. Adam crept downstairs. He expected to see Latias and Latios downstairs, but surprisingly. They weren't there. Where were they?

Adam looked everywhere downstairs. No-one here. He proceeded to look upstairs. No signs of anything (except for Lucario and Riolu, Adam decided to leave them alone for now. Adam looked around. There were at least 27 rooms in the house. The mansion contained a secret room somewhere. He read about it in the library, but he forgot where it was. He looked for the library. As soon as he got there, he looked for the book that contained the writing of the secret room. He saw a book on top of a bookshelf. There it was! He took a ladder rolled it to the book shelf he saw the book on. He climbed the ladder, grabbed the book, climbed down the ladder and started scanning the book. Where was that page? He stopped at Page 999. How many pages are there? Adam decided to leave that question as he felt the thickness of the book. He scanned the page as he found the secret room.

"Lean against the secret wall, and find the secret room. Most lucky if you found this place, its secrets it will reveal to you." Adam read this entry. 1998 A.D. The year he was born? Must be a coincidence. He checked the month. February. Again? Lastly he checked day. 17th... What? This was written when he was born. How was this possible? He leaned against the wall when read this. He almost fell back as he saw this. He quickly regained his balance from what he saw. A slide??? The secret door way! He found it! He heard footsteps of Lucario and Riolu coming towards the library. As soon as the door opened he went on the slide and slid down as the wall closed behind him.