Latias and Latios Ch.2 (before main story)
**Prologue: The very beginning (I guess this can be called Latios' secret)** "_Latios, we have searched the skies for him, but he is nowhere to be seen. Do you think he has fallen to the human world?_" A red and white looking dragon looked at the blue...
The Darkness is everywhere!
**Chapter 1: It appears once again** I slowly awoke as I was sleeping in my own bed, surprisingly clean. Did I sleepwalk having a shower, which was strange as I don't remember having a shower, on top of that, every part of my body, including my hair...
The encounter
**Prologue: The mysterious figure** I walked alone in the empty streets, wondering what the night will bring me too, wondering if I was actually alone. I didn't know what was in the dark, so I kept looking around, to see if anyone (or anything) was...
My life with Skye: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: I believe in you Adam hummed a song to himself during his trek with Lux. "Hey Adam." Lux asked "What are you humming?" "It's a little song I remember when I was in my world." Adam replied. "It was called 'I believe in you'. " "How does...
Hasquet request: Chapter 3
**Chapter 3: The lost temple** We looked around as we saw nothing but darkness. "It's really dark in here, Adam." I knew what to do. I got a torch and two rocks. I swiped the two rocks together a few times until the torch lit with fire. "Wow!"...
Lux: Chapter 1
**Chapter 1:The arrival** Every day I get a chance to play on my emulator. It was usually of Pokémon pearl. The first game I received on my computer for an emulator. Since it was an emulator, I could mess with its code and give me all the Pokémon I...
Hasquet request:Chapter 2
**Chapter 2: Our mission** We reached a house which seemed to build really well just using pieces of wood and big pieces of leafs. It looked like it can keep out the wind and rain (even though I would be fine in the rain since I'm a water type...
My life with Skye: Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Skye and Lux Adam opened his eyes slowly as he woke up. He found that Luxray was now on his lap. He stroked Luxray to see if it would wake him. Luxray stretched and woke up with a purr. He got off Adam, and Adam decided to say. "How are...
My life with Skye: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Meeting Lux the Luxray Adam was looking around him as the forest seemed to go on forever. He looked behind him as he felt as if something was following him. Something was following him. But he couldn't see it because it seemed to turn...
Chapter 4: My life with Skye
Chapter 4: It is only the beginning Adam woke up once again. He noticed the soft covers he lay underneath. He was here before. The same room. The same place. Adam once again rose from bed and left the room. Everything left intact. He went upstairs. He...
Chapter 3:My life with Skye
Chapter 3: They're dead? Adam awoke suddenly. He felt that something was not right. He wonder if Skye still around. Nowhere to be seen. Adam felt better as he rose from bed. He looked at the table infront of him. He remembered the Sapphire that was...
Hasquet request:Chapter 1
Chapter 1: My arrival "Huh?" I squinted my eyes as I was in a place I did not recognise. I saw that I was close to the ground, meaning that I must have shrunk. "What happened to me?" I looked at my hands which now seemed to be white and I saw a...