The loss of a loving Mother
In the Kingdom of Legendz, was two small young WindDragons playing in the grass with a wind Fairy legendz watching with pride. The Fairy's name was Fiara; Fiara wore a blue elegant dress with the wind symbol on her breast. Her long blue hair (that also matches her eyes and Wings) blew with the wind as she watches her daughters play. Fiara watches as her daughter Demon (Black fur going down in the form of a diamond on her nose all the way to her back with her front and some of her back white) Tackles her sister Angel (like her sister but has blue fur instead of black and has white on her front and a little in the back) who makes a loud squeal before being thrown back.
"Your mine Now, JABBERWOCK!" Angel Grins before throwing her sister off just as Fiara claps her hands together loudly. "Girls? Come on let's-"Fiara stops when she sees something far off in the distance. What is that? The young fairy wonders as the sky turns black. Fiara watches in confusion until she realized that she and her daughters had been found. Fiara watches as her eyes widen in fear as the meadow fully disappears and turns into a cave. Fiara looks at her daughters worried but sees that they were fine but she had to leave. Demon walks up to her mother looking confused. "Mom? Why had you taken the meadow away? I'm just wondering because of how good you are at giving us a different place without having us being detected by enemies with your powers. Is something wrong? Mom?" Fiara doesn't answer as she continues to stare out at the black sky.
"Demon? Angel? You must stay here; I have to make sure everyone at base is okay and Demon" Demon looks up. "Yes mom?" "You take care of Angel until I get back, alright?" Demon slowly nods knowing that her mom had to go to keep them safe. "Angel dear you listen to your sister" Angel feels tears burn her eyes as her mom hugs her tight before turning and hugs Demon. "I have to go now but be careful and don't leave, promise me." The two dragons nod as they both begin to cry as their mother takes off before taking one last look at her daughters before taking off into the sky.
5 hours later....
Demon was at the entrance of the cave pacing with her sister watching as she nibbles on some meat Demon had gotten from going out hunting earlier. As Angel nibbles on her meat Demon mumbles to herself about something before she stops pacing. Angel looks up at her sister wondering what she may be thinking about. "Demon? What's wrong?" Demon keeps her gaze to the ground as she says. "I have to find mom. Mom would never be gone this long and both of us know that." "b-but Demon mom said to stay here not leave! We promised her!" "I know but were going come on I have things ready to go. " Angel knowing she wasn't going to win this argument as she was worried about her mom too Gets up and grabs her pack that had things in it to keep both her and Demon alive till they found their mom.
Demon smiles as she takes her sister's hand before taking off into the sky as they both looked for their mom. It seemed like hours before finding a forest to rest for awhile, the twins were both tired and needed it so they lie up against trees and eat dinner before going to sleep.
By the time the two woke up again it was midday with the sun shining down through the trees on them. Demon yawns as she gets Angel up so they could leave, but for some reason Demon's fur stuck up on her neck telling her something was wrong. Demon looks around not seeing a dark figure loom from behind her. By the time Demon saw the Figure, it was already too late as it throws Demon to the side and walks over to Angel. Demon looks on in horror to see that this thing looked just like her but more grown up. "NOOOOO!!!!!! ANGEL!" Demon now angry (also not worried about her life being in jeopardy) runs over to the thing and jumps on its back as she tries to vainly protect her sister from harm. The figure yelps as Demon bites and claws at its body but it didn't do any good as it lifts a claw and lashes at her.
Demon cries out as the thing throws her off its body and into a tree before looming over her. Demon felt tears run down her face as the thing lifts a claw to finish her off when a blue ball knocks it over and away from Demon. Demon now frightened runs over to Angel to see that she was okay but was just now waking up. "D-Demon? W-what's happening?" Demon watches not answering as the blue figure turns out to be their mother. Fiara glares at the being as it laughs loudly "YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME? FIARA? THEN SHOW ME YOU'RE POWER! HURAHHH!" The thing slashes at Fiara, making contact with her stomach causing Fiara to scream in pain as blood gushes from the open wound. "Dark! Why? Why are you trying to kill Demon?" Fiara asks choking up blood. Dark smiles evilly before pulling her claw out. "BECAUSE THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE DEMON! AND THAT'S ME!!!!" Fiara in instant grabs her knife and stabs Dark's heart with her knife just as Dark throws her claw right into her chest.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! MOM!!!!!!" Both Angel and Demon cry out as Dark looks on in triumph Before disappearing seconds later as Fiara quickly tries to walk over to both Angel and Demon before embracing them close to her dyeing body as she whispers to Demon. "Demon, you must protect your sister from now on. I know this is going be hard for you but you must do it otherwise Angel will die, do you promise me?" Demon with tears streaming down her face nods as her mom smiles before singing to both her daughters The WindDragon Lullaby.
"Be Brave little one.... You feel unsafe, unloved and hurt... But when the wind blows you know that I'm with you.... Holding you close to keep you safe and warm... So be brave little one for I'm here now to keep you safe from anything... Go to sleep little one as I hold you close... So be brave little one for I'm here now... And always will be here with you!" Both Girls cry as Fiara's eyes slowly close before whispering to them. "I love you both. I'll always be with you no matter....what......bye my loves....take care" With that Fiara's eyes close as her breathing stops with the twins holding her body close to them not moving until sunset.
At sunset, Demon and angel bury their mother with their mom's necklace on a wooden cross. The made her grave on a hill under an apple tree so the sunset would shine beautifully on their mom's grave. Demon holds Angel close just as their mother's necklace glows bright covering both Demon and Angel's bodies. With her eyes closed not knowing what was happening to her body, Demon's body grows to adult size along with her mind now adult too. Angel grows smaller to a five year old size as she cries for her mom.
Demon feels the transformation but doesn't open her eyes as she feels Angel grow smaller so she could be hugged better. Demon's thoughts raced.Huh? Why do I feel weird? Maybe it's pain for my mom. No, that can't be it. Then why do I feel weird? Is it because I'm trying to stay strong for Angel? Or perhaps I'm, that's not it ether....I grew up; just like mom warned me before this ever even happened. Demon slowly opens her eyes to find that she was now an adult. She was wearing a black vest with her long blond hair in a braid. A black piece of cloth dangled down to cover her lower area as she looks wonderingly at Angel to find her sister wearing only a pilot's cap and a golden necklace on her neck that covered her growing chest.
Demon smiles as tears fell down her face as she looked at her mom's grave thinking about what her mom told her just yesterday.
Demon and her mom were both sitting in the cave as Angel slept when her mother warns "Demon when I die and if you are still young as you are now, my power will make you grow to an adult in instant." Demon looks at her wonderingly. "Why?" Her mom smiles sweetly as she pets Angel hair. "So you can protect Angel from harm and yourself too." Demon smiles now understanding. "But mom, you'll always be here for us! Won't you?" "Let's not talk about dear, I'll be here long enough to tell you that I love you."
End Memory
Demon smiles for the first time since her mom died as she whispers to Angel while looking up at the sky. "Angel? I vow to keep you safe from any harm on our mom's grave, no matter what happens, I Demon will protect you with my life forever." Angel looks up at Demon scared but smiles as she hugs Demon as best she could. "You do? You mean it?" Demon holds her shaking body close as she takes her three gloved fingers and crosses her heart before nodding. "Cross my heart and hope to die sweetie. Yes I promise from now on I will be here for you." Angel smiles before falling fast asleep in Demon's arms. Demon smiles as she looks out at the sunset then to her mom's grave. I promise mom. Angel's in the right hands now. I hope you're in a better place. I love you. Demon thinks as she picks angel up and lies against the tree that was near their mom's grave and slowly closes her eyes hoping that all this was ether a dream or maybe it would hopefully be better for both her and Angel.
Alright guys! this is how my mother dies. yes iu know it's sad and terrible but you probably want to know who dark is right? well i have that story already made but won't post it unless you guys truly want it! well i hope you enjoyed the story! let me know how i did!