Vadim, Chapter 12: It All Stops Here...

"like we said before, we will steal an armored truck and smash in to the palace. pavel, i trust you in planting some c4 that we found in these crates around the palace.

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Looking To The Stars: Episode 01 (Our first interview)

\*pulls out some cue-cards\* now to steal this from ellen deleterious. kira: steal what? you only watched one episode and changed the channel before it got good. alec: i didn't want to miss untamed & uncut.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 7-B

"all you had to do was say 'someone's trying to steal the chaos emeralds' and he'd be after the wrong guy pretty much instantly.

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The Troubled: Chapter 1 Building Up

"were did you guys steal it from?" [hana] "we didn't steal it!"[darius] "shure, and we all have some kind of half-decent family" [me] "we pulled it out of an old car about to get smashed." [dallas] "does it still work?" [hana] "doubt it."

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Tiberi's Starfox Timeline

Tiberi steals fx114-a, destroying arspace dynamics orbital station in the process. tensions between corneria and venom surface. the great fox is completed, but is kept in dock at an orbital station.

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The World We Live In Character Reference - Narati Vasra

His luck ran out one day when he was caught stealing in a free-town, causing him to be punished in the town square. he was whipped many times, leaving scars on his back.

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Lost with Life Chapter 3

There was really no reason for them to think she's evil, apart from the fact that she steals. he guessed that they just didn't take into consideration that she needed eat to survive.

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Goodnight Moon lyrics by Go radio!

Feeling we sing about sit in our bedroom and read aloud like a passage from goodnight moon from goodnight moon and there you were as i saw my juliet come graceful down the stairs it's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room and steal

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Gloria's Strange Addiction

"i have reason to suspect she may be stealing money from the parish." mike sat up and steepled his fingers. "what makes you think she's stealing money?" patrick sighed. "one day, several months ago, i saw her taking a bundle of bills out of the safe.

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No Frills: Keys the Kenku

He enjoys the thrill of stealing, cheating at games, and of bullying those he sees as oppressors, indeed, he often does all of these things for fun.

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Fenris Chains - Leyding

steal a painting from a museum. steal a bank vault. you can't rob a liquor store. can't steal some woman's purse. that's beneath you. if you had a superhero maybe you can wreck stuff up and have a tumble when the guy shows up.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Prologue

You planned to steal him away and raise him as your own, i only wish to aid that... and i got approval from all the other lords... we all decided to help in stealing the boy away from here... none of us agreed with the abduction and experimentation... and

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