Meeting at the Pub

She smiled softly, but there where no feelings in the smile, she smiled just to be polite "i guess i can be on your team" the wolf brightened, she noticed and smirked to her self, as she could tell, everything he planned was going exactly as it should according

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Many Years later

He smiled and tugged him to the door. alex followed him and smiled, koji locked the door, nodding to the secretary for she knew she smiled and nodded back to him.

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Cody and Jason - First Meetings

Cody smiled. tony smiled and nodded "yes, he was."

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Friends, Always

And he did so with a smile. and his friend smiled...happy for him.


Cody and Jason: Chapter 1 First time meetings

Cody said with a smile. "daddy's got a date tonight." "oh is it with a girl?" "uhm no, actually it's with the fox you met at my work, martin." "oh, he was very nice." cody smiled. tony smiled and nodded "yes he was."

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Early days - Chapter three.

, gloria nodded and smiled "sure!, i haven't met your parents yet", dan smiled and hugged her, "awesome, my mum should be here in a few mins".

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 41

Behind that smile... behind that beautiful, horrible, fake smile... layla was killing herself.

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Sometimes You Get Burned

Sunn smiled and nodded, but her smile suddenly faded and as she clasped her paws together in her lap. how much longer would she be staying? "oh, hunny, i know that face.

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Chapter Eighteen - Homeward Bound

He said as he watched her, smiling. electra just smiled at him as she held out her paw, giving them back. "err... okay..."

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The New Girl

"i forget sometimes i have such a toothy smile, but i thought you would be used to it with your sister here." "i... it's ok," kiirei smiled a little and hugged back, making kiki smile.

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