Cody and Jason - First Meetings

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#1 of Cody and Jason

This is an updated version of a story I have already written, I hope you enjoy the improvements

From the darkness enveloped, rain soaked, roads a car pulled up into the drive of its new home. The driver looked over into the passenger seat and looked down into the cub seat at his sleeping son. He reached over and gently stroked their long, soft, ears before he got out and started getting the car unpacked before the removal truck showed up with their furniture.

Once the removal truck left and all their furniture had been put into the house, Tony went back out to the car and took his son out of the cub seat and into his arms before carrying him up to bed. He tucked him into his little bed before standing at the doorway and watched his son sleeping for a few minutes, Tony had been unable to have kids of his own, mostly due to the fact that he wasn't interested in women and that no woman had been interested in giving him a child in the first place, so he did the only thing he could do, he adopted and found himself with the most beautiful, young, White rabbit for a son.

Cody became his pride and joy, he loved him with every inch of his being and because Cody was young it meant that when he had had to move, the transition was not going to be too hard on him. He had hoped that living in a slightly larger town than the tiny town he had been living in, that Cody would be able to live a normal life, that he would not be teased too much for having a gay parent.

The next morning after pancakes for breakfast, Tony got Cody in the car and they set off to his new place of work, it was a construction site just outside of town. Cody sat in the front seat holding onto his little fox plush and occasionally playing with it quietly. When they arrived Tony took Cody by the hand and they walked over to the main office where Tony was met by Max an important looking black and white, Siberian Husky who was also his new boss. Beside him was a small mini version of his boss around Cody's age holding a little rabbit plush which made Tony smile.

"I'll be right with you." The Husky said as he wrote on some papers before looking up at the Wolf and the bunny holding his hand.

"Ah you must be Tony and who is this handsome little man?" he asked looking down at Tony's side when his nose twitched at the scent of another's presence.

"This is Cody, my son."

"He's adorable, this is my son, Jason, why don't you boys go off and play hmm?"

Jason nodded and took the rabbit by the hand and led him outside whilst his dad took a seat along with the larger Husky.

"Don't worry they're perfectly safe." The Husky said with a reassuring smile.

"Wait, how did?"

"It's all over your face, Tony; I can call you Tony, can't I?"

Tony nodded and smiled a little himself.

"You really care for him, I'm sure that you'll enjoy working here with us, we do our best to accommodate the working family man."

"Ah well, you see I, don't exactly have much in the way of family, I'm not married."

"But you have your son, that's family enough."

"Uhm thank you."

The adults talked whilst the two cubs made their way around the site walkways just talking and watching the men and the machines at work.

"What is your name?" The young Husky asked.

"My name is Cody, what's yours?"

"I'm called Jason, so why are you a bunny and your daddy is a wolf?"

Cody thought about this for a moment, at no point had it ever occurred to him that he and his father were of two different species, it made him a little sad and it must have shown.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to upset you, I like your fox, what do you call him?"

Cody looked down at the little fox plush in his paws and smiled slightly.

"I call him Benny."

Jason chuckled happily and held up his own plush toy and smiled.

"I called mine cotton tail."

The pair continued to talk and walk around the site when their parents finally called upon them. "Cody it's time to go," Tony called from the doorway to the office.

The two boys ran towards the office, but Cody dropped his plush along the way, it landed in the dirt near to a White Fox who had picked it up. He smiled at the plush and dusted some of the dirt from it before standing up and looking around to see where it had come from when he spotted a small bunny running towards the main office and a rather handsome looking black Wolf who was standing next to the site owner.

"Ready to go home?" Tony asked as he petted his bunny.

Cody smiled and nuzzled into the Wolf before he noticed that his hand was empty.

"Daddy, I've lost Benny." Cody whimpered as tears began welling up in his eyes.

"Don't worry we'll find him." Tony tried to reassure his son as he picked Cody up into his arms.

"Did you drop something little one?" a voice asked as it approached them from behind. Cody turned around to a White Fox, dressed in a green, plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a pair of very worn, dirty jeans holding out a slightly dirty fox plush.

"Benny!" Cody cried out as the fox handed over the plush toy.

"Thank you uhm..."

"Martin and it's not a problem." Martin smiled and gave the Wolf a quick glance up and down,

"Your kid?" Martin asked with a genuine smile on his face.

Tony smiled in return and nodded as he felt a blush rising in his cheeks,

"Yeah, very much so, thanks for returning Benny."

"Benny... such a cute name, speaking of names what's yours?"

"Tony pleased to meet you." Tony replied and fumbled with Cody so he could extend a hand to the Fox.

Martin took the large hand in his own and shook it politely,

"Pleased to meet you too, listen I get off in an hour or so, maybe you'd like to go out for a drink, meet some more of the guys?"

Tony smiled and cocked his head to one side contemplating the idea before he turned his head and looked at Cody.

"Sorry Martin, we're just settling in, got a lot of boxes to unpack."

"Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of other times."

Tony nodded and smiled once again.

"Come on Cody we best get home and finish unpacking."

Cody waved goodbye to Jason as they left and got back into the car with his dad before they set off for home.

Once they were home Tony had set about setting up the kitchen and cooking dinner, whilst Cody played. Although during dinner Cody did not seem very hungry.

"Something the matter?" Tony asked as he scooped a mouthful of macaroni into his mouth.


"Something wrong with your food Cody?"

"Oh uhm, no it's fine daddy, thank you."

Tony set his fork down and sat back in his chair as he looked the cub over.

"Spill it."

"Daddy why am I a bunny and you're a wolf, if you're my daddy."

Tony had an idea that this day would eventually come to bite him in the rear; he just never expected it to be so soon. Getting up from his chair he kneeled next to Cody and took his small cub hand into his much larger adult ones and smiled.

"It's because you were adopted by me, I couldn't have children of my own, so I went to some lovely people, and I found the most amazing and cute, little bunny in the whole place." He chuckled and started tickling Cody's sides making the bunny giggle and squirm. "Then I scooped him up into my arms and I couldn't let him go again."

Tony stopped his antics and held Cody gently in his arms.

"I became the luckiest wolf in the entire world because I had a child to call my own, who I love with all my heart and soul and nothing, no matter what, would ever change that."

Cody smiled and kissed Tony on the nose and nuzzled himself against the adult wolf.

"I love you too daddy."

A few days passed and Tony had finished the unpacking making their home as homely as he could manage, he needed to start work too so had put Cody into the local nursery (kindergarten) whilst he worked. He had gotten to know his co-workers quite well but none more so than Martin whom he had begun to get rather close to. The pair often worked together on jobs and had lunch together too, one day when Tony had forgotten his lunch Martin shared his with him. From that day onwards Martin made up lunches for both of them, he had explained that Tony had too much on his plate between work and bringing up Cody that it was a small price to pay for their friendship.

One afternoon before they finished up Tony had invited Martin to have dinner at his place and since it was the weekend, they could have a drink or two in the house. Martin agreed wholeheartedly and said he would be there around six. Tony beamed from ear tip to ear tip on the drive home once he had picked up Cody. "You're a very happy daddy," Cody said with a smile,

"Daddy's got a date tonight."

"Oh, is it with a girl?"

"Uhm no, actually it's with the white fox you met at my work, Martin, the one who found Benny for you."

"Oh, he was very nice." Cody smiled.

Tony smiled and nodded "Yes, he was."

The pair smiled and laughed as they continued their journey home, once they got home though, Tony became a bag of nerves as he prepared dinner, for the second time since he let the first roast burn to cinders. Cody smiled and chuckled watching his dad in a flap as he tried to help set the table. Satisfied with a well-cooked meal Tony finished setting up the table and then helped Cody get washed and dressed for bed before dinner. Martin arrived at six on the dot and knocked lightly on the front door. Tony jumped while Cody just smiled; Tony got up from his chair and opened the door to let the fox in.

"Hey so glad you could make it."

"From the smell outside, I couldn't miss it for the world." Martin smiled as he handed Tony a bottle of wine and kneeled in front of Cody and lightly rubbed his head between his ears.

"Well hey there, little one, I see Benny's all nice and clean again."

Cody smiled and held his plush close as Martin chuckled and stood upright again.

"Such a cute kid you've got, so what are we having?"

"Roasted pork, I hope that's ok?"

"Yeah, sounds good to me."

Tony led Martin into the lounge and left him to sit beside Cody as he went into the kitchen to open the bottle of wine.

"So your dad tells me that you're in the nursery."

Cody nodded,

"Uh huh, it's fun, they let you paint, play in the sandbox and in the afternoons, we get milk and a biscuit."

"Sounds like a lot of fun, are you making friends?"

Cody dithered a little at that question before beaming up at Martin,

"Yeah, lots."

"Well, that's good to hear."

"Dinner's ready," Tony called through

"Come on then little one." Cody almost purred as Martin helped him down from the couch and let him scamper through to the dining room.

"He's so adorable." He told Tony as they sat down at the table.

Tony smiled and poured out the wine for Martin and himself and a glass of water for Cody before setting the plates down in front of them.

"Enjoy." He said as he sat down himself.

"Cody tells me that he's really enjoying nursery" Martin said with a wink to Cody and smiled at Tony

"Yes, he's getting on quite well according to his teacher, she says he's very bright."

"So Cody what is your favourite part of the nursery?" Martin quizzed between mouthfuls

"Nap time!" Cody announced proudly.

The two adults laughed and smiled.

As they ate, they continued to talk, mostly about Tony and Cody's life before moving, although Tony left out many of the sensitive details.

Once they had finished with their main meal, Tony started washing the dishes after putting an apple pie into the oven to warm it up.

Cody was not overly keen on apple pie, so Tony gave him a bowl of ice-cream which he had finished soon after Tony was finished washing up.

"All done?" Tony asked as he picked up the empty bowl.

Cody nodded and rubbed his little belly with a smile.

"Ok, then off to bed." Tony smiled and kissed the bunny between his ears.

"Can Martin read me my bedtime story?"

"Cody, Martin isn't here to..."

"No, no, that's alright." Martin interrupted,

"I don't mind, would you like me to tuck you in too?" He asked

Cody nodded excitedly and dashed upstairs.

"Don't start without me ok." Martin grinned and gave Tony a soft kiss on the side of his muzzle and promptly followed Cody upstairs.

Upstairs Cody was already in bed and wriggled excitedly when he saw the tall fox come in and beamed up at him. Martin returned the smile and tucked Cody into bed before picking up Benny and the storybook upon the chair at his bedside.

"The Prince and the Pauper, I used to have this book as a cub too, it's a good book." Martin smiled as he opened the book and began to read; even going as far as to put on the voices, that kids seemed to love when having a story read to them.

Once Cody had fallen asleep Martin carefully left the room after turning on the night light and went back downstairs to join Tony who was sat in the lounge upon the couch, half asleep and with two empty bowls on the side table. Martin chuckled and put his hands on his hips looking down at the wolf.

"Couldn't wait huh?" He mused

Tony jumped from his nap and looked up at the fox and blushed embarrassed.

"Sorry, it's been a busy day."

Martin smiled and sat down next to the wolf and placed a finger against his lips.

"Ssh, just kiss me, silly boy."

The pair stayed up till gone midnight just talking and enjoying being held by someone, when Martin said he should probably head home, Tony would not hear of it.

"It's late, you've had a bit to drink, why not just stay the night?"

"Well, I really didn't bring an overnight bag or my toothbrush..."

"Oh...right...yeah, sorry I shouldn't have asked," Tony said flatly as his ears fell back against his head. Martin chewed his bottom lip and smiled before kissing Tony on the nose.

"Oh dear, what am I going to do with you?" Martin mused as he smiled and took Tony by the hand leading him towards the stairs.

"But your toothbrush..."

"Oh, I'm sure you won't mind me borrowing yours, amongst other things." He winked and Tony smiled following the handsome fox upstairs.

A few days later Tony and Martin started officially dating much to Cody's delight now that his father had found someone to fall in love with. They carried on dating and Cody found himself seeing Martin like another father or even, motherly figure since he wasn't quite as butch as his father. Martin would tuck him in at night when he visited, read him bedtime stories, bake cookies, and sing as he did chores around the house. This was mostly when Tony would work extra shifts to give them a little extra money to spend on treats and decorating the house.

The months slowly rolled on into years and all three of them grew ever closer, they would sometimes get odd looks from some people when Tony and Martin would walk hand in hand with Cody walking in front of them, but they mostly ignored it. Anyone who knew them well enough never said a word against them and was always happy to invite them to whatever they were hosting. A few times Tony and Martin invited their boss to a Barbecue in the summer and the two cubs Cody and Jason would meet up and tell one another about what was new in their lives.

One year Jason announced that his father was allowing him to attend public school for his time in High school. Cody was ecstatic because he knew that would mean they would both be at the same school and perhaps the same classes. Cody had a few friends, but he did not feel as close to any of them as he did with Jason.

His first year of High school went like how it did for most young people, kinda scary, forever getting lost in your first few weeks and learning lots of new and seemingly impossible things. Cody and Jason were as thick as thieves always sitting near one another, having their lunch together even spending the holidays together.

However, as the years went on something between them changed, Jason seemed to be growing distant, some kids from his days in private school had transferred to his school, something to do with their parents and their jobs. It was not that Cody did not like them; it was just that they always seemed so haughty. The time that Jason and Cody did spend together was usually during the weekends but even that started to become rarer.