Meeting at the Pub

Story by Kinsmir on SoFurry

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Roxanna opened the door to the local pub and sighed, and as she sat a foot inside the door, she felt looks from everyone dart at her.

Roxanna is very beautiful and very nice looking dragon with her curvy figure, wide and perfectly shaped hips, her white soft scales covering her body, rainbow scaled marks in her face and on her hands, having a fluffy tail tip, her perfect shaped DD cups nicely showing in her shirt, even if she would wear a baggy shirt you would see her pretty form, now she was wearing tight blue jeans, a black tank top, her light blue panty line showing just above her jeans. The looks made her shiver, but then she spotted her friends and walked hurriedly over to them.

She grabbed a cue stick and was about to start play as she was tapped on the shoulder when she leaned forward to hit the ball. She looked to the side and saw a rather build grey wolf, he was smirking, she raised an eye brow "Yes, can I help you?"

"hey there would you like to play doubles" he smiled and stared down at her breasts, she sighed and rolled her eyes and looked back at her friends, they shrugged and she replied to him

"Sure....why not..." the wolf grinned wider

" who will be on my team?"

She smiled softly, but there where no feelings in the smile, she smiled just to be polite "I guess I can be on your team" the wolf brightened, she noticed and smirked to her self, as she could tell, everything he planned was going exactly as it should according to him and she knew it.

They played for a while, her team was winning it seemed, it was her shot now and she leaned down to shoot, he tilted his head a bit to the side to get a good look at her cleavage

" got a really nice rack there" she dropped her head and sighed

"why thank you" she looked up and aimed at the ball and shot

"I got a really really nice rack" he continued, she stood right up and stood up in front of him and looked straight into his eyes

"Just cause I played a game with you does not mean I will go home in bed with you"

After that she placed the cue on the wall and went over to the bar, leaving the wolf with lowered ears and staring eyes at her firm rump.

"Hi, two beers please" she sighed again and looked around the room, every male staring at her, their girlfriends or the other girls who where picked up earlier had been ignored, the either just left or stayed glaring at her.

"Thanks" she picked up the beers and carried them over to her friends, on the way over there she got a few gropes and such, this only made her pissed, but she kept her self calm to not explode and scream at everyone. She handed the beer to her friends and sat down in the sofa in the corner and tried to keep calming down and watch her friends play pool.

Some other males tried their chance on her, she heard many pick up lines, some worse than others and some creepier that other like one male said to her

"damn... those are like... really big! could I suck on them for a bit cause they look really tasty" this just creeped her out and didn't even consider talking to this male anymore and asked him nicely to leave her alone, she sighed once more, thinking about leaving as almost every male had tried to hit on her, then she looked to the other corner in the opposite to her, there sat a snow leopard, with a hood covering his face, leaning forward drinking his coke, she blinked at this and just sat there thinking

'he has not been trying to hit on me...and he is not gay for sure...there is lots of persons who is and are single.....hmmm....' her curiosity took over and she walked over to him.

"is this seat taken?" she smiled and asked him, he looked hurriedly at her and looked as quick back down again and shakes his head, she sat down beside him and smiled

"I have not seen you here before, what's your name?" at first he did not answer, but after a half minute he answered

"Daniel.." she smiled to him

"that's cool, my name Roxanna" he slowly turned his head to her

"I know..." she blinked at him

"You knew?" he nodded softly, she blinked, she was surprised at this "Ummm...okay...could you take of your hood?" he reached up and pulled it off and looked to her, his fur was snow white, very nice and his face was a bit childish, but still very masculine, his brown eyes looked at her, she melted in these eyes

"How come I never seen you before?" he looked back down in the table

"I try not to interrupt you..." she smiled and leaned gently against him

"Interrupt me?" he blushed slightly as he was leaned into and nodded.

"Well, I would not mind being interrupted by you" she smiled and leaned a bit more into him, him blushing more as he looked up at her

"why not?" she smiles warmly to him

"because your cute" he blushed now

"but....I...don't want to interrupt you with my being or stupid pick up lines..." she blinked "Oh....well it depends on the line sweetie" she gave his cheek a little nip

"Let me hear one of your lines" she smiled, and as she nipped his cheek he widened his eyes and his cheeks went crimson under the fur, he slowly mumbled something

"What did you say?" she asked him, wanting to hear his line, he spoke a bit louder

"Did it hurt when you fell down from the sky? Because you certainly look like an angel..."

She smiled and gave his cheek a kiss

"That was cute...a bit old, but certainly one of the best I have heard in ages" he looked down again

"I knew it was bad...." Blinked and looked up at her "what? You think it was good?" she smiled and nodded

"Yes, you actually used a cute one and not as rude as the others around here, so thank you" she kissed his cheek again and he blushed, but smiled softly, she leaned more into him and he blushed still as he carefully leaned into her to, she rested her head on his shoulder, he moved his paw into hers slowly, they entwined their fingers with each other and he turned his head to look at her.

"You sure I am okay to be around?..." he said with a red face, she smiled and gave his chin a little lick

"Is that an answer good enough for you?" she giggled and he just blinked, slowly nodding over and over again to answer her, she giggled more and leaned up to whisper in his ear

"Could you follow me home? I have taken a few drinks so..." she lied and he knew that, he had had his eyes on her all the time without her noticing, he blushed and nodded "s-s-sure" she stood up and gave him a kiss on his lips

"Just got to get my purse" she walked over and got her purse, when she returned she saw him in the same motion as when she left him, she waved a hand before his eyes but he just had his eyes wide open, staring into empty space.

She sighed and sat down beside him and waited for him to wake up, he slowly turned his head to her and blinked, apparently he was in great shock.

"I take it you liked that" she smiled and giggled, he nodded slowly.

"well, you can have one more if you hurry up" she smiled and laid her hand on his paw and looked at him, he just sat there with a rather funny expression, she could not help but laugh at him, this made him came back to normal, smiling a bit

" just surprised me"

"I know, I was not to forward was I?" she smiled and tilted her head a bit in a very cute looking way, he nodded

"I...I am not used to get I guess you where a bit forward...sorry" he looked back down in the table, she smiled and ran the back of her hand on his cheek and leaned up to him

"No, don't be sorry, I am sorry being forward, I know how you feel sweetie" kissed his cheek again and nibbled his ear.

She stood up and hold out her hand for him, he looked up and slowly and carefully to her hand, the entwined their fingers again, she noticed he was good built, not to big muscles like the wolf had, and he was quiet average in height and size, he was very handsome she thought to her self.

They started to walk down the street hand in hand, she where leaning into him all the time, she never thought she would meet an shy and caring male like Daniel, she smiled to her self, she had drowned into his soft and brown eyes.

"Roxanna..." he softly said

"Yes Daniel?" she said in a soft tune

"....I love you" he looked away when he said it, she stopped and blinked, now it was her turn to just stare into nothing and have a funny face with her mouth wide open. He lowered his ears and head, just standing there, he didn't want to leave her like this.

She blinked at him

"b-but we just met Daniel" he softly shook his head

" was you first noticing me....every time you been on the pub, I have always been there, sitting in the same corner, trying to get the courage to tell the that silly line....but then it was you coming to me....Roxanna....I have always loved you, I don't know where you live, cause I didn't want to be a stalker...but I wanted to tell you how I felt....I want to be close to you...but never had the courage"

she blushed and now she looked down with a lowered head

"...I am sorry Daniel...." He gave soft nod and turned around, about to walk when he said "I knew you didn't have feelings for me anyways...I knew you wouldn't have either" he took three steps

"Who said I didn't like you? " he stopped and turned around, he looked at her, she was still standing with her head lowered, looking down at the ground

"y-y-you like me?"

she slowly look up

"Not only like you, you're the first male that didn't ask to fuck me or touch my tits, hell I don't see why girls don't date you more often, when I saw you at the bar alone, I thought you had a girlfriend already, but then I saw you where alone and I had noticed you didn't try something stupid on I gave shot to get to know you..."

She sighed and he looked at her

"and i don't really know you, but I like you, I am getting feelings for you"

His ears perked up and looked at her with a warm and loving smile, but he was in shock again she could tell, but this made her smile again, she knew it was just a shock in happiness, she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his lips a again, he blinked and woke up, he slowly pressed him self more into her to kiss her even deeper, she reached her arms around his neck and he his arms around her waist, they stood there in the middle of the street kissing for about ten minutes or so before a car came and they had to hurry to the side walk, they where both blushing, but they both smiled to each other.

" long you been looking at my butt" she giggled as she asked this in a joking way and the question was very silly, he blushed even more if it was possible.

"About....2 months now..." she dropped her jaw and stared at him

"and I haven't seen you...damn...I must be blind" he rubbed his neck and smiled to her "not really...I was kind of hiding....didn't want to get between you and the other males...didn't think you wanted a shy person as a boyfriend...I was very wrong I see" she smiled and kissed him again

"Most girls likes the shy type sweetie"

She lead him to a bench and sat down on it, and patted a spot beside her, motioning him to sit down beside her, he sat down and they leaned into each other, he could never be happier and he thought that fairy tales does come true, he got his princess.