Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...

Then of course, sentience doesn't necessarily imply friendly, and that's a whole other can of worms.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 19 (END)

"you mean you achieved sentience?! and if you're so advanced machines, why are you organic?" "organic? there's nothing 'organic' in our body.

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Shattered Dementions: Dementia

However, the part where kay officially got a bit scared was when black eyes formed on each triangle, blinking a few times before staring at her with eerie sentience. the dragon pointed the sword at her.

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CE04 - basics

It can only be mined in absence of sentience (by machine or automaton or puppet). once mined, it can only be retrieved in absence of perception.


Darkness Rising

It denied sentience. it destroyed life. it was chaos. and kieral smiled, directing it all. several days after the beginning of the pain, it vanished.

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"The Thin Line," Part Q

I managed to straighten my back and get the taste of rainbow puffballs out of my mouth, i went about some of my normal duties for the lieutenant, who seemed not to notice that his soldier-servant had a posture like a question mark given a vague sense of sentience

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First Contact

In a way the two seemed almost artificial due to all the metal upon their bodies, yet an aura of sentience allowed their presence to be properly appreciated.

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A Stellar Beginning

While all this was happening i spend my free time well as i discover andragos' sentience and what it was capable of...more often than not, i find myself on an uninhabited planet several light-years from the ship, while there i learned from it all the

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A World Lost

Ferrikesh was unsettled for a moment before remembering that it would be ridiculous for a prey species to evolve sentience.

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Dangerous Thoughts -- Chapter 1

It pushed their minds higher and higher until both species achieved sentience. when they realized they were both intelligent, they merged into a single herd, and the predators found other things to eat.

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My Little A.I. (Ponies rule the Internet)

Purple always kept her within sight incase she showed any sign of gaining sentience. the archives showed she had high moral standards and some of their methods had been radical. "enough!"

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

It was as she suspected, the creature was incapable of understanding because it had only gained its sentience when it collided with the victorious.

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