Shattered Dementions: Dementia

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Shattered Dementions

This is the first chapter to be done before a live audience. Many more will come that will be done with people watching.

The portal took Kay about halfway across the city. It seemed like she had just flowing through air, but here she was, literally doing so. Glancing at Illthian, she wondered what caused this rapid change of events. They had met less than an hour ago, and already he was creating this superhero identity, for lack of better term. Was this some random test? He hinted at that.

The view from above was...well...amazing. Kay couldn't put it into proper terms, as she was too busy freaking out over crystals. Seriously, the way that they glowed...Kay wanted them. In fact, she had half a mind to ditch this entire thing and steal a shiny. However, with Vor half controlling the armor, it was impossible.

Ironically, she had never envisioned herself wearing armor. Vor usually protected her from whatever, but this armor was just like a second set of scales. Just as a few moments ago, the energy surging within her caused her to fly ahead of Illthian and nearly into a building that tried to jump her. For real, it had just popped out of nowhere...then again, she wasn't exactly paying attention.

"Kay, you continue doing that, you'll get us both killed." Vormund's voice surrounded her head. Looking back at Illthian, she saw no indication that he had heard the snake.

"Pessimist." Kay would have stuck out her tongue had he been floating in front of her.

"Perhaps to you, but I would rather not die by your hyperactivity."

Ignoring Mr. Sourscales, Kay drifted around aimlessly, loosely following Illthian. Nothing appeared on her radar and she began to wonder if this was a test of patience. She had all of this power, so why not use it already? The energy boiling within made her want to punch some baddie in the face.

Then, heat signatures showed up. Glancing down, she saw that a group of robbers had just stolen...something. It looked like a chest, but if this was the future, why still have chests? Why not have one of those computer things look after the gold? That is, if they still used gold. It was enough to make her head spin.

Illthian made a weird claw signal before diving down. "What does that mean?" Kay asked Vor.

"He wants you to follow him." Vor translated.


Flying down, Kay landed on a rooftop, nearly crushing the edge. Raising an eyebrow, she looked down to see that her claws had gripped too far into the metal. It looked like steel, but before she could investigate, Vor reminded her that there were robbers. She frowned. Was it too much to ask for time to examine everything? Even though she wanted to punch something a moment ago.

With a sigh, Kay glided over the robbers. They looked funny. Then again, they were mammals. Mammals always looked weird with their fur, skin, and non scaledness. One was hopping. The way he or she was mesmerizing. Maybe it could teach her to hop like that.

Illthian landed on a roof opposite of her just as the robbers turned into an alley. Kay almost rolled her eyes; did they always have to go down an alley? Couldn't they just hop down the street and be different? With a sigh, Kay trotted along the roof, getting into a lunging position.

"Now." Was all Illthian said before lunging at the thieves. Within a few seconds, Illthian had successfully slammed the bouncy one into the ground. It made her sad; she wanted to bounce too. Oh well, time to test out this armor!

Refraining from the urge to scream 'weee' all the way down, Kay didn't outright slam her target. No, she decided to grab one and throw him into a wall. Oddly, he didn't make a cutout of himself or go through it. Everything she knew about fighting seemed so fake now. There would be time to mourn about it later, though.

"What the...?" were the reactions of the other members as they pulled out E.A.'s, or Elemental Amplifiers, and started to shoot at her. Never before had dodging them been so easy. Back at home guards would take them out to fire at her just to stun her. Sure she was caught a few times, but it was no less fun. She didn't have the faintest idea why they called E.A.'s guns, though.

Back flipping away from the shots, Kay shot a small shard of ice at one, aiming for the gun. It didn't knock it out of the paw, but it at least bought her some time to rush him with her shoulder. Illthian leapt over her, slashing at the other. She went down, clutching her paw. Jabbing with her tail, Kay stabbed at her target, taking out the E.A. and causing a miniature explosion. Screaming, he fell on his rump. Kay already had her tailblade at his neck.

If this was the fight, this was super boring. Like, more boring than watching a lecture back at the church. Oh well, at least she could walk away and explore if they were done. Or maybe not, as, Illthian had magically found a rope and tied them together, moving the chest away. Where he got the rope, she would never know. The only fact she knew was the rope was made of crystals. Kay didn't even begin to comprehend how that worked.

" does this work?" Kay asked in deadpan. "Crystals are hard objects! You can't make them bend without snapping them!"

"I'll explain later." Illthian opened the chest. Inside was...a stupid computer. Why would anyone want to steal that? Then again, it magically found her picture. It must be watching them, plotting its next move.

With a sigh, Kay just flung her wings up in exasperation. At this rate, nothing would be explained. All she wanted to do was go home now. It was at this time that she wished Vormund would stop being silent and actually know what was going on. He always did before they were zapped here.

Illthian closed the chest, motioning her to follow him up top. For some odd reason, he decided to let the crooks just stay there and be tied up. It seemed mean. Couldn't they at least drop them off at the barracks or something? That's were all the evil doers went.

Kay decided to bring this up when they were on the roof. "Why don't we bring them to the barracks?" she questioned.

"Because the city doesn't exactly like Razorwing." Illthian replied. The armor on his muzzle pulled back, revealing his green scales, "The city loves me as Illthian, though." He continued before putting the armor back on.

"Why is that?" Kay tilted her head.

"Yes, I am quite curious at this." Vormund decided he wanted to talk now. "If you are clearly trying to help, why fire upon you?"

Illthian let out a sigh, walking over to the edge. "Vigilantes are not welcome here. I mean, I could reveal to the world I am Razorwing, but then there would be so many enemies attacking my building nonstop. Believe me, I would love to reveal my identity and let the world know I don't just sit on my ass and build machines."

Kay frowned. He brought up a good point. Still, he never brought up the subject as to why Vigilantes are not welcome. Whatever the reason, she trusted him on that subject, if only because of the tower part. She certainly didn't want anyone hounding her.

Illthian flew off without another word. He was being too mysterious. She didn't like it. Then again, he did warn her that being in his alterego caused personality changes. Kay really hoped that he was more bright and energetic when not acting like Vormund on a normal day. There was only so much seriousness she could take!

Following him, Kay started a conversation with Vormund. "Vor, what do you think about Illthian? I don't know if I can trust him."

"He certainly seems mysterious, but I think if he was going to harm us, he would not give us this suit." Vor replied.

"True, but he is acting way too fast. Couldn't he just...y'know...take it more slowly? I mean, I barely understand what is going on here."

"I understand. Let's try and figure this-wait...there is a head signature flying right at us." Vormund turned more serious than usual.

Scanning around, she saw what looked like a blue fireball surging right at them. Dodging, she saw that the fireball flew past them. Illthian was already chasing it and Kay followed suit. Maybe it was a giant flaming crystal. That would make her night and possibly the day afterwards. A giant crystal...yeah, that would look nice in her room.

"I don't think that is a crystal, Kay." Vormund crushed her dreams with his words. She was now sad. "If I didn't know any better...I'd say that was a dragon."

"A dragon?" Illthian suddenly asked. Evidently he could hear their conversations and a cold shiver ran down her spine. Kay didn't need to see Vormund to know he felt the same way.

"Yes." Vormund replied, "I barely caught it, but something that looked like wings were outstretched."

Illthian went silent again, landing in the park behind a few trees. The fireball stood in the dead center of the park, and as Kay neared, she found that Vormund was completely right. It had a vague Anthro draconic shape, but there was something odd about this dragon. Something weirder than the fact that it was on fire. When she got near, the fires dimmed, revealing the true appearance.

It looked like a dragon wearing similar armor to Illthian and herself, but it was far more plated. Blue mist leaked out from under the ebon plates. The parts where a visor or eye sockets should be was strangely sealed off. Was it blind? That would make the most sense.

Taking a closer look, she saw that this dragon had a masculine stature. The wings were folded, so there was no way she could tell if mist leaked from there. Taking a few tentative steps forward to get to a tree, she nearly leapt out of her scales when he talked.

"Kayla, don't even think about sneaking around." The dragon's voice was deep and metallic. It was kind of strange to hear a deep voice coming from a skinny looking dragon. A blue glow came from his jaw when he spoke. "You too, 'Razorwing'."

Glancing at each other, Illthian and Kay stepped out. The dragon laughed, folding his claws across his chest. Kay was about to ask how he noticed they were there, but decided it was a dumb question. He probably saw her land and the fact that her armor didn't exactly blend in with the trees allowed him to...see her.

_How did he see me, anyway?_Kay asked herself.

"How did you see me and how did you know my name?" Kay pointed her wing at him, shouting. Screw subtly; he knew her true identity and could magically see! "Just who the hell are you?" Kay didn't even think about the fact that she might have cursed.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" the dragon stretched out his left claw, summoning a blade. At least, Kay thought it was a blade. It looked like it was made of a row of triangles, each stacked up on each other. However, the part where Kay officially got a bit scared was when black eyes formed on each triangle, blinking a few times before staring at her with eerie sentience.

The dragon pointed the sword at her. "I guess you're just gonna have to beat it out of me." He turned to Illthian, "Feel free to join in all you want, Razorwing."

The dragon lunged at Kay, swiping with his sword. The speed of the dragon...her head nearly came off from that attack. Again and again he slashed and Kay barely had any time to react. Illthian jumped in to aid her, but a swirl from the mystery dragon sent them both jumping back. At least now Kay had time to form ice over the armor for extra protection. It was probably a good idea, as the blade shattered the ice on her right shoulder.

Everything moved in slow motion. The swing of the blade scraping against her armor, Illthian firing a beam of green energy from his chest, and Kay lifting a claw with ice building on it to strike the armored dragon. It was recipe for disaster, but at the same time, Kay couldn't help but feel excited.

Kay's ice struck the attacker full on in the chest just as some plates from her armor were scraped off. The energy meter went from 100% to 80%. The chest area got frozen from her attack just as Illthian's beam struck MD, who Kay had dubbed the mystery dragon. MD was flung into the ground, raking his right claw and back two legs across the ground. Tossing the blade at her, he charged right behind it, seeking to divert her attention.

However, he likely didn't know that she had Vor to aid her with this. Relinquishing some control over to him, her body moved on its own, dodging the blade and kart wheeling to the side. MD stopped where she once was, kicking off the ground after her. Illthian managed to tackle him, but was kicked off in a matter of two seconds. Whipping with the fin-like blade at the end of his tail, MD resumed his chase of her.

That sword flew back into his claw and once again he tried decapitating her. Kay was prepared this time, performing a back-flip and attempting to catch MD under the jaw. It failed, but she avoided the attack. Illthian swiped MD's back, causing the wings to open. If anything, they were just as terrifying as the blade.

On each wing, a giant black eye blinked at them. There was something incredibly familiar about those eyes. She couldn't exactly put her talon on where she saw them before, though. Avoiding another slash, she consulted Vor.

"Vor, do you have any idea of who this is?" Kay shot a few icicles at MD, who cut most of the ice shards. He was hit in the shoulder with one, though.

"I'm currently scanning him, but I can't find any identification." Vor decided to show her what the scans showed. A bunch of random stats showed up at the edges of the visor.

The name was unknown and obviously the species was dragon. Energy readings from him showed that it was kind of low...almost on par with her. Maybe a bit lower. If that was the case, there should be no difficulty in beating him. Element was fire...but the armor was made of Blackmetal. Ok, this may be a bit more difficult than she thought. The blade was made of the same material, but something else caught her attention.

The scans indicated there were two elements not seen. What they were was unknown.

"Scanning me, are we?" MD ran at her. The sword nearly stabbed her in the face because she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy trying to figure out how he figured out she was scanning him. Did it appear on the visor?

No time to think about it though. When she saw an opening she stabbed with her tail. It went under the armor and hit what she thought was flesh. Either way, MD growled in pain, leaping backwards and swiping. It narrowly cut her. The energy reading went down to 78%.

"Vex!" Illthian called through what she hoped was a communicator. "Distract him! I'm charging up an attack that should, at the very least, knock him out. I'll be done in two minutes."

Nodding, Kay jumped to the side so that MD was facing away from Illthian. There was no telling if MD had been able to hear what was said, but at the moment, it didn't matter. Maybe she could take him down before then.

No blood came from the wound that was inflicted. Whether that was something to cheer about or not remained to be seen. Surely he didn't wish to kill her...did he? Launching an ice attack against the ground, Kay jumped on it, spinning around. MD leapt into the air, avoiding her entirely. However, he left himself open. Pushing off the ground, Kay rammed him with her horns.

What she didn't expect is when he suddenly turned around, took her head, and slammed his armored branch-like horns into her muzzle. Her energy meter dropped by ten from the blow. Her forehead started to bleed. The screen momentarily went to static, but Kay smiled and fired a breath of ice, freezing MD and allowing her to do a front flip, kicking him towards the ground.

This was seriously too easy. Maybe it was because she was just a better fighter. Yeah, that was it. She'd been practicing fighting like this all her life. Well, maybe not the fighting part, but she at least knew some tricks. Landing on her hind legs on MD's back, she swiftly jumped off before any retaliation could occur.

Some sparks came from where Kay was struck with the sword. "Kay, we need to wrap this up before this potentially drains the armor of its shielding." Vor notified.

"We only need to survive for one minute. I think we can last that long, Mr. Sourscales." Kay stood ready as MD slowly got to his claws.

"Not bad...Not bad..." He raised a talon to his neck and cracked it, "I guess you've earned the right to call me by what most call me. My codename is Dementia."

_Well he certainly lives up to that name..._Kay thought. "So what do you want with me, Dementia?"

"Sorry, you haven't beaten that out of me yet."

Dementia lunged again, using both claws to hold the sword. Every stroke went for various parts of her body. First one was the head again, second being the chest, three and four aiming for wings. Spinning around, Kay formed ice on her claw and bashed his face with it. He stumbled backwards, allowing Kay to jump kick him.

At that moment, Illthian fired huge green ball of energy into Dementia's body, causing a miniature explosion that caused Kay to dive for the ground. The energy shield went down by four, but she was still above half. Twisting around so that she kept her upper body up, she saw that Dementia was face down on the ground, green smoke rising from the body. Kay had to blink a few times to make sure he didn't move.

"Is he dead?" Kay asked no one in particular.

"No, he's not." Illthian walked over and looked down at the body, "Something is wrong with this one. I've fought multiple criminals in my time out, but this one is by far the strongest. It could mean that there is a bio-war going on. I need to consult someone who has experience with genetic mutations."

"Who?" Vormund asked, watching as Illthian carved a circle into the air. Two seconds later, a portal formed. Kay could see the lab from the other side.

"An old friend." Illthian replied, carrying Dementia through the portal. Getting a bad feeling about this, Kay followed.

I think I did better than when I am not with an audience :D Still not great,b ut far better than any other chapter.