Fireworks in the Trees

To perform her role in this scheme. the sooner started, the sooner finished. she had schemes of her own. such as remodeling devil's hollow. hacking into stone's phone line. buying a new umbrella. "what were the other kinds?"

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Lamp Chat

**Lamp Chat** By: DankeDonuts []( **_ELITE\_EFR33T_** has entered the conversation. **ELITE\_EFR33T:** Back. **ALASSIN:** Hey. **THEBLUECRUSADER:** WB ...

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Nisse, Julefest, and Hooves- Second Day of Christmas

#2 of nisse, julefest, and hooves the nisse scheme gimmy, vig, joki, and cham, all stare down at canute in his bed. gimmy is the first to speak. "the man's left us a bowl of porridge with double-butter every day for a year now."

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Introduction: Abandoned

Nature was following it's grand scheme: life and death. it gave and took, flourished and decayed, begun and ended. he begged to the sky above for an answer, crying his heart out at his sudden loss.

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 7

I looked very much like a wolf but had the color scheme of a husky, plus the running legs of my staghound heritage. enough about me though.

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Filled with Sudden Air *inflation*

I got his color scheme idea from the game _portal_ and i got the idea for a dragon inflation from an interactive flash i played back on furaffinity. link is in the description if you wanna see it.

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The Postcard

Sitting there, to one side of the card, was a tiny brown frog, so minuscule in the scheme of things it seemed like it shouldn't even be there.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 1 of 37

Juicers, cookware, fad diets, get-rich-quick schemes, all things catering to singles and lonely scraps of life with nothing else to do with their life shone under spotlights in their bubbly facade. heh, _lonely scraps_. kind of like me.

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Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf

One thing is for sure, he always has a plan, every move he makes, every word his says, is all part of a much larger scheme. as the second born son, he was entitled to a plot of land, and a seat in the imperial congress. he also commanded the gray watch.

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The Zootopian Experiment. Chapter 3

While north korea is known for some great schemes, this is a little too strange even for them. after awhile of thinking, and realizing that gillesbie was asleep. i decided just to let tomorrow bring news.


Out Of The Bag

Or just had other schemes for his questionable masculinity? it turned very badly for the hybrid. "oh. um... i think i left my wallet in other pants. i didn't know you want to play for money. besides, isn't it a little... illegal?"

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Chapter 3: Back to school

Gray had caught onto their scheme, that and most of them were done by sam, who was predictable at most times, that and dave, tiger, calum and mischa would all give mr.

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