The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 7

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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All characters are fictional and a image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of Steel (Wolfie Steel), who appears as himself.. Copyright 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.

Chapter 7:

Of A Long Ago Spring

The Ice had thawed and the snow melted. At one and a half years old I was a fairly large pup. Standing two and a half feet at the shoulder; I was a miniature version of what I am today. My now permanent markings were fully developed: black, dark gray with a reddish tint and a yellowish-off-white. I looked very much like a wolf but had the color scheme of a husky, plus the running legs of my staghound heritage.

Enough about me though. Right now I am living with my friend and rescuer, Steel. Even though I know how to hunt, I was still learning more everyday. On this particular hunt, I developed a soft spot in my heart for a certain animal species.

It was a normal hunt; then I picked up on a scent, a new scent. It had a friendly note in it, and I was intrigued. I put my nose to the ground and followed the trail. I continued to track this scent, then I followed it around a tree. Suddenly, I was face-to-face with an artic fox. We both took a startled leap back as our eyes met. We walked back and our eyes meet again. We both stared at each other, in curiosity. I had never seen an artic fox before. Finally, we relaxed, and sniffed each other.

"Hello there." I said after mustering up my courage.

"Greetings, wolfie." The stranger replied, "I'm Pross. Who might you be?"

"I am Okami" I said, lifting my head proudly.

"A pleasure" Pross said politely .

"Do you hunt?" I asked.

"Indeed I do" Pross answered.

I noticed that Pross's voice was deep; deeper than you'd expect from a creature half my size. His voice was soothing; deep but soft and the same time, and trusting. Together we hunt, until late at night, even after the last light fell we continued on. Around midnight, when the moon was at it's highest, we stopped hunting and romped around in the spring grass.

After a bit, we said our goodbyes, as I knew steel would be angry and worried- I was already very late. I ran back to the windfall; Steel was not there, I knew he must be out looking for me. I decided to wait up for him.

"He must be out of his mind with worry" I thought.

Since the day Steel rescued me, we had formed a deep bond. He took over the role of my father, and I his son. I felt bad for putting him through this, considering that we had fended off Lupo di Pura Tenebra again. A demon he may be, but he is no match against two skilled wolves. Over the year that I have been living with Steel, we have gone through quite a bit together. I thought of his worry, and whimpered. I lay down and rested my head on my paws. I closed my eyes for but a second, but could not open them. My eyes were heavy with exhaustion. I fell asleep...