Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight

It has been proven these organisms know occupied space is hazardous to them and will occupy organic bodies with higher tolerances for forces that are inimical to them at weaker strengths.

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Council of Assassins: The begining [wip]

In my opinion having this position is the worst job you could have within the organization, but so many people strive to get it. maybe they're not aware of what you have to do.

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Introduction to Manipulators: Various Species of Manipulator

In biothaanos, the computer is consolidated to whichever arm it developed in while they're in the egg, and the data stream flows only between the computer and the organic brains. the rest of their body is organic (which isn't a bad thing).

TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 8 a wierd plan

"we will take care of most of the material and organization" terrador said to spyro and cynder. "your primary goal is to draw publicity for it" he instructed.

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Coell Universe - Space Rescue

Hard, reinforced sapphire eyes stared into the tearing organic orbs as the dragon held the panicking anthro, feeling a hand grabbing onto his chin in a panic.

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Thirteeel Tales 2020: Tale 6

At least organizing the library was a good way to go through the collection of books they had. even for someone like eshel it would take forever to read every book here.

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Haunted Suite: Inferno

He is an interesting organism." agitha nodded. "i would suggest you save such wordings for your animatrons, ahkin. saying it in regards to an organic...why it makes you sound like a slave trader."

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"correct, he's the only person in the entire organization that met every of the requirements." "...i still have my doubts, arkillian. i've sifted through his dossier.

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Rexi & Talon: 19 -- Talon

It left the water-organ and its pipes sitting almost in the garden itself.

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The End Of All

Maybe even make a world where organic life could recover, respawn, regrow.

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Deeper within

Swiftly, mercilessly, they ravaged the plant, burning down its twig-like organs and drying its vines.

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The Assassin Chapter 1

A company simply known as the organization sprung up.

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