The Assassin Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Day at the Office
The year is 2053 and surprisingly the Earth hasn't gotten blown up or too polluted or something. All the rainforests and such are protected, cars are safer and more fuel efficient without having turned into hybrids or smart cars, polar ice caps are still there as well as the creatures that call them home. The Earth sounds like it's doing great right?
Try way fucking wrong. You see this change was brought about by a second Great Depression in the US. This, through a series of complicated events, destabilized the world economy and brought on the first worldwide depression. Crime rates around the world soared, contract murders, assassinations, person and gun smuggling and the drug trade were among the most prosperous.
The world eventually recovered, but most of the high up people, whether in politics, business or just upper class were more than likely into something illegal. A company simply known as The Organization sprung up. The Organization was a company that trained assassins, they were different however because they would take jobs where they were to kill someone who was doing something illegal, drug lords, other assassins, murderers, rapists, etc., they were usually hired if the person could not be caught or if it was too high risk for police or military.
An assassin, a sixteen year old human male, 5'9, long brown hair, blue eyes and one of The Organization's best, was standing on a street in New York across from an office building his target was at. The target was one Thomas Gains a founder of a major shipping company and a major importer of drugs, cocaine, pot, PCP, you name it he's importing it. He was actually having a meeting with many of his distributors on the hundredth floor of his office building, what was left of them anyway. For the past week the assassin and the two other in his squad had systematically eliminated most of them starting with the strongest and working their way down.
The assassin pulls on a pair of goggles that look similar to those of Riddick from the movies Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick. He is wearing all black clothing, pants, a short sleeve shirt, leather trench coat, combat boots and fingerless gloves on. The coat was buttoned up; hiding the vest he was wearing underneath which was holding his black chrome Desert Eagles and ammunition.
He walks through the front doors and immediately sees the 'hidden' elevator that goes straight to the floor that his target was on. The security guards, who were actually mercs hired to protect Mr. Gains during the meeting also sees him as he walks through the doors. One of them was a black bull, about 6'6, complete with the nose ring and long horns, the other was a orange/ red fox, about 5'11, with some white around the end of her muzzle. The bull was armed with an MK46 machine gun while the fox was armed with two TMP's.
The bull spoke first, "You lost kid?"
"No sir I ain't, unless this ain't the building owned by one Mister Thomas M. Gains." The assassin replies back
The fox looks the figure up and down then says, "This can't be the assassin that Mr. Gains is worried about."
The assassin looks straight at the fox, smiles and says, "I assure you that I am indeed that assassin and unless you wish to die today you might want to vacate this premises."
The bull raises his weapon and points it straight at the kids head, "You got balls coming in here and threatening us, but do you think we we're seriously going to take that deal?"
"Marcus wait," the fox says to her partner, "something's not right, he wouldn't just walk in here unless he intended to convince or kill us both."
"You're too cautious Sam." The bull says while keeping his gun trained on the assassin.
"Actually Marcus, Sam is absolutely correct, either you take my offer or you will both wind up dead as will anyone who stands in my path." The assassin says completely calm
"Even if we do, the guys Mr. Gains works for will hunt us down." The bull says
"Well it just so happens that the cameras throughout the building have malfunctioned, and according to a good many witnesses and travel records you two have been visiting Spain for the past two and a half weeks and will be there for another three and a half weeks." The assassin says, smiling once more
The Fox, Sam, looks at the bull, Marcus, then turns her attention back to the figure.
"Spain?" Sam asks
"I hear the beaches are beautiful this time of year." The assassin replies
Sam looks back at Marcus who shrugs then says, "Why not?"
"Very good, there is a gray van across the street, knock on the back doors three times, the person inside will set everything up, enjoy your vacation." The assassin says before steeping past them towards the elevator
"Before we go," Marcus says causing the figure to turn, "what are you packing?"
The assassin unbuttons his coat and shows the pair his Desert Eagles before stepping into the elevator and activating it with a stolen pass card.
As Marcus walked out of the building to the van, which was exactly where it was supposed to be he thought to himself, that kid's going to need more than that.
The ride was a short one since the elevator was an express elevator and it was programmed only to stop on the hundredth floor. To get to his target the assassin would have to cross a typical if not cliché office room, cubicles and all, go through a hallway leading to the reception area for his office then through a set of double doors into the office itself.
What is it with evil guys and high up places, that warlord from three weeks ago was in a mountainside base, the cartel boss from a month and a half ago was on top of a mountain, hell one of this guy's distributors was in a skyscraper. Oh well they all bled the same and died the same and so will this guy.
The elevator pings and right before the doors open the assassin jumps over to the left side and presses his body against the side. As soon as the doors open the mercenaries on the other side begin firing. The assassin pulls out his Desert Eagles and smiles before charging out the doors.
"What the hell is going on!?" this question was asked by one of the six remaining distributors for Thomas Gains. The group had been discussing who they thought had killed off the rest of them when they heard the first gunshots which had gotten louder until they were coming from the reception desk outside the office.
"I have no idea Burt, but please calm down there are forty mercenaries between us and the more than likely dead would be assassin." Thomas said to his clearly spooked associate
"Forty-two actually," A figure says as he walks into the room, closing the double doors behind him, "you had twenty waiting for me at the elevator, another twelve hiding in cubicles in the room and in the hallway and the other ten were in the reception area just outside of here. In my line of work it never hurts to be accurate."
The assassin had left his coat in the elevator so it would not be damaged and had cleared out the entire area using only three clips for each of his Desert Eagles.
This would be impossible except the clips were not normal, a scientist working for The Organization figured out a way to create a sort of energy round that will replenish itself after a certain amount of time, the clips themselves are currently experimental and our assassin volunteered to test them. Since they replenish themselves the assassin has to remember to pick them up and hold onto them until the work again, indicated by a soft blue glow emitted from the top.
The bullets themselves eventually dissolve after a fixed amount of time after leaving the clips.
The first thing the assassin notices is that there are three distributors on each side of the horseshoe shaped table in the room and that the target is in the middle with a window behind him. The second is that each one of them has a weapon on the table in front of them, though no one had picked theirs up yet. The third is that the windows behind his target and the distributors are darkened to the point that there is very little light coming in and the room is lit by two lights running from the windows toward the doors.
"I don't know how you got past the mercs but you will die here." The target says to the assassin
The assassin just stands there until the distributors and the target reach for their weapons. As the first one grabs his weapon the assassin shoots of the lights causing the room to go into darkness. After a few seconds of confusion six shots ring out each illuminating the room for a few seconds. The target manages to find his emergency light switch on the underside of the desk and turns it on. When the lights come on the assassin is standing exactly where he was and all of the distributors are dead, each with a shot between the eyes.
"But...but that's impossible it was pitch black in here." The target says, as he does this the assassin holsters his weapons.
The target swallows and asks, "Why are you doing that?"
The assassin smiles, "Because, you're going to die in a more...spectacular way."
After saying this the assassin runs at the target, jumps over the table and dropkicks the target in the chest causing him to go through the window behind him as he is falling to his death the target shoots two rounds from a revolver he was holding.
The assassin walks back to the elevator he arrived in, retrieves his trench coat and walks to the heli-pad where a helicopter is waiting for him. As the helicopter flies off the assassin watches the cop cars drive towards the building he was just at. Then he looks down at his left thigh with a clearly present bullet wound in it, one of his targets last shots. He grabs the sides of the wound and squeezes until the bullet comes out and lands on the floor of the helicopter. The assassin watches as the wound seals itself.
Another day at the office so to speak. The assassin thinks as he leans back in his seat and falls asleep.