A fox wants to meet his bunny neighbor

The stomach lingered above like an ominous boulder. "stupid lock." rumbled hank. the ominous boulder dropped suddenly as the frustrated bunny shoved his basket against the wall for better leverage. not the test that was planned.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 10

This ominous gallantry was charming beyond words, it was surprising really that it took so long for him to notice that.

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A Hearts Treasure Ch 1

The young unicorn cautiously leaned her head through the old decrepit doors of the ominous structure, peering down the hallway only being able to see because of the faint light coming from holes in the ceiling.

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Inari, Chapter 6: Shady Fear

Inari couldn't shake the ominous, eerie feeling that kasukana's words were true, and that she wouldn't be safe for long. afraid to go back home for the wellfare of her mates, she walked to a nearby inn, by the name of the cozy fox inn.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 26

She extended her paw, claws wiggling in the air nervously, slightly away from the ominous handle. she looked at danox, trying to find any sort of support in him.

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Inari, Chapter 5: Change of Heart

As the nine-tailed kitsune walked into her back room, she felt an ominous chill run down her spine. there was a crib, and smaller blankets... she wondered what was going on when a white paw suddenly grabbed her shoulder and spun around. "you!"

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I'm Giving Up on You

. :) the howling wind beating at the rattling windows; the ominous glow of a street lamp over a street, casting an eerie shadow over everything in its range; the onslaught of rain on the roof, drowning out everything but the overpowering thunder; the crack

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A odd sandwich filling

With a single gulp the unknowing teen sends the large ball of chewed up food own his tight throat a very ominous sounding gulp sounding from the throat at you watch it then for the first time you see that muzzle open ahead of you making you squirm with all

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Twin Shadows(chapter 1)

This doesn't need to end this wa..ngh" yet, as the youth was finishing his sentence, just as he looked to renew his efforts in escaping, he felt an ominous "stinging" sensation prick the back of his neck.

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It's a Hit?

A tone lock blared behind the panther's head, building ominously in the background.

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye

The squall's viscous strength caused the hull of the brig to creak ominously over the roaring waves, the masts being pushed nearly to their breaking point.

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Cub of Destiny: Premonitions (Chapter 7, COD II PREVIEW!)

_ _a sudden flash of lightning punctuated that last, ominous word._ i gasped as i jolted awake, flanks heaving, cold rainwater streaming down my face. it had all been a dream... just a dream... that last voice... scar...

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