Inari, Chapter 6: Shady Fear

Story by Misty Maiko on SoFurry

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-This story is the sixth in a series, and I would highly recommend reading the first five parts first. ( , , ,,

-To prevent any confusion, Inari -is- Victoria (well, her superherione form)

-For the best clarification of looks (a picture is worth a thousand words), I would recommend looking up Victoria's profile before hand, just to see how her appearance is. Just a suggestion. (

  • Kasukana means wispy in Japanese. Fun fact.

-I think that's about it; enjoy!

Winter had come. Snow was everywhere, and it was beautiful. Inari breathed a sigh of relief; for once, it wasn't Fridgette's doing. Since their last encounter, they had grown to be at least somewhat friendly towards each other. Inari walked out, and headed towards the Galloping Sergal. Inari was going to have a fun night.

As Inari walked, rather hastily due to her super speed, she looked around the starry night. It was beautiful... Albeit rather cold. There was an ever-so slight amount of fog, making the night seem enchanted. After shiverring a bit, the nine-tailed kitsune decided to teleport the rest of the way. She walked inside, and took a seat.

Around her, it was rather calm. To her left, a green drake kept to himself. To her right, a grey wolfess was drinking, but... Seemed out of place. The wolfess was an odd shade of grey; it was light, and almost seemed vanishing. She was rather busty, and about the same height as Inari. She wore a grey robe, almost similar to a monk's, with a cowl around her head, concealing it. Suddenly, she spoke to Inari.

"So, what brings you here?" The wolfess asked. "Not much; I'm just trying to relax." Inari replied, in her usual outfit, complete with her mask. "Inari, yes?" The wolfess continued to ask. "Yes-- wait, how did you come to know of my name?" Inari asked. As Inari tried to get a better look of the grey wolfess, she found that her eyes couldn't focus in on her. She had... Vanished? Suddenly, Inari felt like she was being choked. As she tried to signal those around her, she felt herself being dragged out of the bar, into the cold night.

Inari struggled, and swung wildly, but it didn't matter. The invisible wolfess was invisible, and continued to choke her. Finally, a blow landed, and the assassin's concentration left her, forcing herself to become invisble. "What the hell was that about?!" Inari asked, furious. "My name is Kasukana, and I was sent here to assassinate you," her assaulter answered. "By who?" Inari asked, puzzled, thinking she no longer had any true enemies. "None of your business," Kasukana retorted.

Inari, suspecting another attack, tried to teleport away... But, her magic... Failed her? She noticed a pendant Kasukana happened to be wearing. She probably didn't even know that that was Inari's one true weakness, that, for an unknown reason, weakened her powers.

However, the grey wolfess continued, "Well, I've clearly failed now... But mark my words; I'll be back, to finish you... When you least expect it; when you're most vulnerable." Suddenly, smoke flew up as a smoke bomb was tossed, and by the time it had faded, Kasukana had vanished.

Inari couldn't shake the ominous, eerie feeling that Kasukana's words were true, and that she wouldn't be safe for long. Afraid to go back home for the wellfare of her mates, she walked to a nearby inn, by the name of The Cozy Fox Inn. She couldn't help but shake her head at the irony of the name; she felt anything but cozy. She was fearful, and cold.

But, now was no time to worry. She had to be watchful, be ready, and get ready. She had to rest now, but she wouldn't truly be able to rest until Kasukana was dealt with.

It was a time full of dread, that she hoped wouldn't last long. For now, she was without her home, without her mates, without anything she knew. She was without anything save for a new enemy, and a target on her back.