Inari, Chapter 5: Change of Heart

Story by Misty Maiko on SoFurry

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-This story is the fifth in a series, and I would highly recommend reading the first four parts first. ( , , ,

-To prevent any confusion, Inari -is- Victoria (well, her superherione form)

-For the best clarification of looks (a picture is worth a thousand words), I would recommend looking up Victoria's profile before hand, just to see how her appearance is. Just a suggestion. (

-I think that's about it; enjoy!

Inari woke up, a few days later than the previous incident, and walked outside. It was cold... Once again, too cold. This time, she was prepared, however. This time, she would be ready for anything. She hoped.

Inari walked over to Fridgette's cave, and peered in. It seemed empty. As the nine-tailed kitsune walked into her back room, she felt an ominous chill run down her spine. There was a crib, and smaller blankets... She wondered what was going on when a white paw suddenly grabbed her shoulder and spun around. "You!"

Fridgette gave Inari a cold stare. "You impregnated me when you raped me." Inari stared in shock. "Well, I--" "Well you what? I may have raped you as well, but at least you don't have -this- to deal with!" Fridgette interrupted. She continued, "Now that I have to deal with this... I get free reign. Try and stop me, and I'll make sure your kids never see the light of dawn." "You wouldn't!" Inari cried out. Fridgette coldly replied, "Try me."

The nine-tailed kistune was at a loss for words. She didn't know what to think-- she didn't know that furs existed that were this cold and heartless. She did the only thing she could think of; she used her super speed to return home. She hadn't even told her mates what had happened... But she wasn't worried about that. They would probably be fine... But, she worried about Fridgette's kids-her kids. Inari sighed, and layed in bed, thinking to herself. She accidentally fell asleep, worrying. Misty checked up on her a few times, but decided to leave her alone-- she needed her rest.

Inari woke up the next day, and upon opening her door, saw a trail of ice leading away. It was either a trap, or a message. She decided to follow it, into a forest clearing. Fridgette was there, and for the first time, the nine-tailed kitsune noticed that the white vixen was genuinely smiling. "Well, good morning," Fridgette said. Inari shook her head. Was this the same Fridgette she knew? What was happening? "Get to the point... What are you up to?" Inari inquired. "Up to? Why do you think I'm up to something?" Fridgette asked. "Look, I guess I should explain..." She continued, "I did a lot of thinking. I'm going to be a mother. So are you. I suppose your mates will probably play a role. Anyhow, I did a lot of thinking... Maybe furs aren't so bad. I mean, my-- our-- kits will be good. Maybe you aren't so bad... Maybe I've been mistaken. I think I want to redeem myself."

Inari just stood in shock, looking at her. She even pinched her arm, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "You're kidding me?" Inari asked. "I'm not," Fridgette replied. "Look, becoming pregnant has made me seriously think about what I've done, and why. I think it's time to give it up. In time, maybe I can even fight against those who are like what I was. It's time for me to redeem myself. And... I want to thank you. If this hadn't happened, I would've stayed how I was. We should... We should hang out some time, discuss the pregnancy, and other things..." The nine-tailed kistune listened to all of this as if it was a dream, but finally said, "Okay... If you're serious about this. But... I need some time to think about this."

Inari sped off back to her home, and tried to think about all that had happened... But, she couldn't. She didn't know how to react. So, she sighed, and came to a conclusion... She would wait things out, and see how Fridgette reacted to all of this. She would take it one step at a time. After all, even the coldest of furs can have a change of heart, if they truly dedicate themselves to it... Maybe things wouldn't be so bad around town after all.