What Once Was Eden Chapter 1 Part 2 of 2
"it's the two they were looking for in east oasis, _vhemato_," the silver wolf said respectfully. once he was done speaking gregor started laughing.
Light Bane: Chapter 21
We won't get any shades out here unless we get to an oasis." "how about your oasis?" suggested hans. "azureath might know where it is."
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Sixty Eight
oasis stared at him from the cage. he got out of bed, pet the rabbit, and then left the cage open so oasis could wander the room at night. then the pup flopped back down, propping his horned head up on the soft pillows.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Seventy Nine
The pup knelt in the wet sand alongside the oasis, sculpting little houses. he sang to himself as he built a tiny city. revaramek sat down near the oasis. "hello." the pup spoke, but did not look up from his sand shaping. "hello, vakaal."
There's work to do, attitude costed can't be left askew, unsure what isn't true collapsing in my own arms, on lookout for the oasis in the invisible abyss the warm interior of bliss oblivious, locked.
Lion King III: the Pridelands Reborn
I said, picking up the antelope (and with her help, i might add), and carrying it back to the oasis. when we arrived their, i immediately saw a very grim look on fuwele's face. i cocked my head curiously. "fuwele, what's wrong?"
Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)
The creature manages to survive in an ecosystem of giants, leeching water from the large oasis's which are littered across the surface of the planet. the oasis's which are always in use by some of the monstrous creatures.
An Unforgiving Mind - medium poem
A moment of stillness and silence, comes as i return to my oasis. i'll leave my desert behind, as i enter the door to home. rather than glee, numbness consumes me. a depression will set in.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 16
From the outside it looked like the trees formed a dam, with many visible arches at the base that served as an entrance for people who wanted to visit the oasis.
TTA: Chapter 5
The bench overlooked the small oasis. a place of memories for him. he smiled as he remembered that night.
Leonardo - Chapter 3
The left side of the island said on top "oasis sinistra" while the right said "desert dexterous". the middle of the island, that seemed to be a borderline of the two, was a darker green than 'oasis sinistra' with the center blue, "lake rival".
15 Legend
Out in the vast desert in the middle of a continent, near and otherwise unassuming oasis, sat a dragon. a thousand years ago, when this was just a stop on a trading caravan, the dragon would invite travelers to stay a while and share a story.