Patricia's Potion Shop: First Customer (Doe TF/TG)

Lastly, his manhood sucked back into him as it contorted his insides into those that were female exclusive, leaving tyler as a doe, wearing now loosely fitting clothes. tyler blushed harshly as she tried to hold up her clothes on her new body.

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Ragnarok - VI

Let it be never said we were content to stay in sullen watch, and leave a foe, of epic worthy, unfought and alive to mock our manhood! what might not it do, if whatever-it-is can carve this pit? pour flaming oil from mountain tops?

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Invention of the Week #6: Vino Wine

Dell's manhood shrank away into nothingness leaving him very much female. her legs took on a shapely tone while her hips grew out into childbearing sized. her feet became black hooves as the changes stopped, making dell a unicorn woman.

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Patricia's Potion Shop:7th Customer(Cheetah TF/TG)

He could feel his manhood leave from between his legs, an opening staying behind as womanhood was founds in its place. "well, i guess i just joined the girls club," he, now she, giggled softly.

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Some Kind of Monster: Prologue

The sable-and-silver haired cat was a tiny little thing, barely out of puberty with his manhood intact, his voice having never matured past soprano.

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Paradox - Chapter 1

Then, the raptor slapped vaskier's face with her left hand, punched his head with her right when he swung his head back, kneed him where it counts, kicked him in the stomach, drew out a serrated dagger from her boot and nudged the blade against his manhood

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The Other Side Ch 1

Actually, "man" is a bit of an overstatement, as he was only about twenty years of age and just entering into his manhood. "i-i don't remember," he stuttered. "the furthest back i can remember is when i was already in the cave.

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Dreams: Chapter 3

I however must have been caught up longer than i thought in "downing" my manhood due to marcus's comment on how delicious the house smelled asking if i had made food.

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Opener (Panthy TF/TG)

Pain attacked his crotch as his manhood retreated into him, morphing on the inside and out to womanhood. his insides and genetic code was altered to make the body he, or rather she was in. "my god i'm a woman!"

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Don't Mess With Nikki

Lastly, danner's manhood caved in on itself, contorting into womanhood inside and out, now an anthro woman like nikki, except a cat. "you think this'll make me help you? you must be daft!" danner laughed. "oh, i'm not done.

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Razgriz: The Legend

I had everything i wanted and i was on the cusp of manhood. all i cared about was finding a girl in the village that didn't look masculine and finding some kind of liquor that might make her look like a goddess.

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Devotion (Kreet - 37)

"sig, your creator gave you a gift of manhood, but you have badly misused that gift. i cannot change your ways. only you can do that. but i can guide you if you want me to." "you sound like some damned..." sigmundurr began. "i am a cleric, sig.

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