River of Blood-Chapter 1: Awakening
By the time she was done dressing the 6 headed out taking two cars to go downtown to the mall. the mall downtown was on a street 8 blocks long with stores of everykind. the troop laughed and cooed at the couples marcella and rob, and tobias and ron.
The New Place chapter 5
We're coming back from the mall right now, so if you take the train you should make it shortly after we get there ourselves" the lion replied happily.
changeing fast: chapter 1
I noticed some handy signs that pointed the way to the mall. as i followed the signs to the mall the other cars just kept behind me wondering why i started going faster. after about five minutes we arrived at the mall parking lot.
Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Twelve
#13 of second chances & new beginings finally he talks to melinda and he has to try and prove that he is who he says he is before learning a hard lesson at the mall.
Go home Zeke!
Go home zeke a drunken wolf production it was another rainy day outside the lake vista mall. zeke could hear the rain pelting the roof above him as he lay in his hay covered pen.
A Bottle Between Friends
In order to prevent art theft, this story has been uploaded as a PDF that can be viewed on Google Documents since there are very few ways to effectively "watermark" a story. You may view the submission file...
I'm still the mall cop trying to hang out with the big kids. a ram sits down next to me, and there's a firm but friendly pat on my shoulder. "don't let them get to you.
Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day
I soon came upon the exit into the mall. the parking lot was full of cars, which was first.
The Pack (3)
"buy anything you want i'll be in anther part of the mall" he said and smiled, i just nodded, he left and i looked into the wallet, 'there were hundred dollar bills in here!' i gasped.
Aurora Borealis, chapter two
She said "only to the north, the other way from the mall. but it's just a couple of miles away, much closer than the mall." "perfect." said camille, her face unchanging. we all stood up and left our cardboard plate's in the trash can.
Dream Factory Episode Four: Stiches and Witches
So for her princess, for her kingdom, for her people, she would dare venture into the mall. going into the dreaded mall abyss pascale found herself inching ever closer to her princess.
And so we all did just as flockticons soon started to fly out of the mall.