changeing fast: chapter 1

Story by Blinkdog on SoFurry

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Chapter 1- waking up

"Beep beep beep..." the alarm clock went off. I rolled over and felt around for the off button. I hit it and slowly moved to a sitting position. I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and took off my shirt and boxers. I didn't turn the light on because I never do I kind of treat a shower as another 10 minutes of sleep. But as I stepped in the shower I brushed up against the door and it felt all tingly. I just brushed my hand acrosed my arm and stepped into the shower. I turned the water on to just the right temperature, and stepped under the jet of warm water. Right there I should have noticed something was different but I was too tired to care or notice. I reached for the soap witch was in its usual spot. I brought it up to my chest and started to scrub. After about 5 seconds I noticed that my chest was completely covered in a short fur like hair. I moved my hands to my shoulders and the fur was consistent. I moved my hands down my arms and then my legs. My whole body was covered in this fur. This is when I proceeded to freak out. I ran out of the shower still dripping and fumbled about for the light switch. When I finally found it I clicked it on and slowly turned around to the mirror. What I saw there has and will always be burned deeply into my mind. I saw in the mirror a very scared looking fox crossed with a human, his eyes wide with fright. Then I noticed something different, most foxes had a broad stripe of white from their face to there inner thighs. But he had a large black stripe. That covered his whole head and shoulders and ran down the inside of his legs to his feet. But the strange thing was he had a white stripe that went down from between his ears, down his back and the front of his face between his eyes down his new mussel. Also his tail was strange. It was the normal shape for a fox, but it was black on the whole top side. And the white stripe went down it also, but the bright red orange on the bottom of his tail, and on his hips, sides, and legs made him know he was at least part fox. But besides the strange black and white markings he was normal looking for a fox. I then realized reluctantly that it wasn't another being I was looking at, it was me...

The next thing I rember was hearing was some one thumping on the door very loudly. I got up and looked around I was in my bathroom. Did I fall asleep here? I slowly stood up and saw myself in the mirror again. It then all came back to me. I walked out rubbing my head. I pulled on some new clothes. I picked out a long sleeve black hoodie and a pair of baggy camo cargo pants (I shoved my tail down the leg). I then grabbed a hat and a pair of sunglasses and a thick scarf (I was lucky at least it was winter) and wrapped it around my neck and lower face (my mussel). I grabbed my long black trench coat that all of my friends knew me by and headed out the door. Where I bumped into the person who had so rudely awoken me. It was only my friend jess.

"Hey man you slept in" droned jess.

"Yeah sorry about that" I replied shakily.

"You sound really bad you coming down with the flu?" said jess.

"No but uhh something is DEFINATLY changing" I said neverously.

"Ok man" said jess blandly. We then proceeded to climb down the flight of steps to the ground floor of the apartment complex. It took us about 2 minutes (I live on the second floor). I walked through the door and down the street.

"Hey where you going?" asked jess.

"I need to sort out some problems" I said quickly. I walked down the streets towards the main road. As I walked I noticed there was almost no traffic. When I got near the main streets I could hear people yelling and I saw smoke. This really pricked up my curiosity. I ran up and rounded the corner. What I will always remain right next to the image of me in the mirror that first fateful morning. Before me there where flipped cars smashed windows and people running everywhere. I grabbed a man that ran past me and growled in his face.

"What happened" I almost yelled.

"The-there are these huge animals tha-that walk on two feet. They are being attacked by the local police. The rest of the people are ransacking." He rasped out of breath.

"Where are the animals at?" I replied sternly.

"They are blocked up in the bar down the street a ways. Wha-why do you ask?" he inquired.

"I have my reasons" I said as I shoved him backwards hard. To my surprise he fell on his back and skidded a good five feet until he hit a telephone pole with a sickening thud. Hmm I guess with fur comes strength. I wonder if with fur comes speed also. I then ran as fast as I could towards the bar the man had described. To my amazement when I ran things went past me in a blur and I flew down the street.

After about five minutes of running hard I came across the bar. But it was surrounded on the open side by cop cars. I looked from side to side and noticed an alleyway with a fire-escape leading up on the building a few down from the bar. I ran for the fire-escape and jumped up and caught the rusty ladder about 10 feet off the ground (I guess I can jump too). I quickly scurried up the ladder where I discarded my sunglasses and put my scarf in my pocket. I then climbed up the creaky stairs up onto the flat roof shared by the whole street. I ducked low and sneaked over to a window that was into the upper floor of the bar. I tried to open the window to no avail. I tried for a good five minutes till I was about to just smash it. Then I tried to dig my claws into the wood of the frame of the window and ripping the window out of the roof. It worked. I dropped down onto the wooden floor in a hallway. I looked around. I could hear talking below me (my hearing must have improved a lot!). I headed towards the noise. I walked in and found the main room. I emerged from behind the counter and saw maybe 40 or so other people just like me! I looked around at the group of men women and even a few children. They where all huddled around low to the ground and most where shaking.

I slowly looked around the room. One of the men where looking sternly around like he was sad that a few good citizens where cursed with their appearance. I walked over to him. Who was an angry looking ferret.

"Why do you look at them like that?" I asked quietly. Nearly every one in the room looked at me and him. He looked at me looking furious that I had asked such a question.

"It sickens me that humans who have just survived yet another world war will have yet another nusicence to deal with" he spat at me.

"What makes you think that the humans will fight and win" I growled quietly. I then reached back with my hand to my hip and punched him hard right at the bottom of the rib cage in the middle (the solar plexus for those of you know that).he then crumpled down on the ground.

"Is there any one here that hates furries too?" I yelled at the crowd. I was actually kind of surprised I used the word furries as before this fate-full morning furries had only existed on the internet. "Well is there any one who wanted to be one to begin with? You know over the internet" Almost the whole crowd raised there hand and stood up and walked over to me. I looked to the ones that didn't walk over.

"Do any of you dislike furries? Or do you just accept your fate." They all looked up at me and nodded.

"Well I think we should get out of here maybe to a larger town with more furries. Maybe we will stand a chance fending off mankind while grouped."

One looked up at me. He was a huge badger. I realized then that the black and white part of me might be part badger. "That sounds like a reasonable plan to me." He said.

"Well let's go then!" I said knowing after that speech I became the leader. "I want all of the people who can fight to come with me and help take out the police." About half of them came with me all of the men and a few women. Before we walked out I walked over to the bar and looked around underneath the counter for a weapon of some sorts. I found a bat and 9mm hand gun with an extra clip. I pocketed the hand gun and gave the bat to one of the women. As I handed her the bat she smiled. I then realized how beautiful she was. She was a fox also but she was all the normal colors but she made them look anything but normal the way the color wrapped around her body was just amazing. I pushed down the urge to grab her right then and simply smiled back then said "stick with me ill keep you safe" I smiled at her and picked up a stool from the bar and smashed open the large window at the front of the bar. I then jumped out of the window. As I ran I passed the still flying stool and was into the crowd of cops. I grabbed one by the head and threw him into 3 more and jumped up and landed on the shoulders of another and jumped again flying tackling 2 more cops. It was about then that the rest of the furries hit the crowd of cops. To make a short story even shorter we where done about 30 seconds after that. We all walked around taking the weapons off of the cops and soon enough I had two 9mm hand guns with 8 extra clips and also, and large magnum with about 10 extra shells.

"ok now we all need to get in a car keep the sirens off and be prepared to go at high speeds." I yelled for every one to hear. I walked over to a cop car and hopped in driver side. And to my surprise the pretty fox hopped in next to me and smiled at me again.

"Hey you're a good fighter" she said her voice just as beautiful as her body.

"Yeah I know I have taken a few marshal arts classes" I said as I started up the car and pulled out.

"Really what classes have you taken?" she inquired.

"Well when I was a kid I took karate lessons and after I got my black belt in that I took judo" I replied.

"Wow I always wanted to take judo but my parents wouldn't let me and as an adult I haven't been able to find the time" she said sadly.

"Well after this is all done and furries and humans have some peace maybe ill teach you" I said hoping that she would say ok.

"Id like that" she said quietly.

I could only nod as I turned the car onto the freeway. Over the next hour and a half nothing big happened except me and Lyra, I found out that was her name, talking and growing closer.

As we neared a larger town I decided to turn on the radio. When I turned it on it was on a local news station. And the reporter was talking. "Earlier this morning a small group of the population of the country has changed into a type of animal species. Instead of walking on all fours they walk on two feet but still have paws, fur, ears, tails, and a mussel. The most important thing to remember is not to confront these beings they seem to have a sort of super strength, and could rip a group of 10 humans to shreds alone. Please stay inside and if your are confronted with one do what it asks." The human paused for a second. "Wait this just in we are hearing that a large group of them are massing at the local mall. Please all humans stay away from the mall." I then turned off the radio and looked over to Lyra.

"Let's go!" was all she said. I then slammed on the gas and gunned it into town. I noticed some handy signs that pointed the way to the mall. As I followed the signs to the mall the other cars just kept behind me wondering why I started going faster.

After about five minutes we arrived at the mall parking lot. I drove over the curb and parked within 10 feet of the door. I opened the door to the car and ran to the door of the mall. Behind the glass I saw a small group of furries armed to the teeth. They gave me a blank look as I ran up and walked over as they say the 20 cop cars pull up and empty. A tall otter walked up and unlocked the door and me and Lyra stepped in and out of the way as the rest of us poured in.