Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 6: Defector

When Sash stepped out of his room that morning, he was met in the corridor by one of the fortress' guards, who had just been coming to see him. The Krookodile had a message from Calhoun, asking Sash to head up to the roof of the fortress to wait for...

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 5: Advance

The trio were led to the Shogun's palace; a towering, multi-tiered structure overlooking the city surrounding it. Inside, waited the de facto ruler of Maelstrom Isle, and the head of this isolated, militaristic culture. They had to climb a grueling...

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 4: Recovery

The Kyogre's Rest was nearing the end of the first week of its journey. Loaded with six Rescue Teams - Valiant, Phalanx, Plainsrunner, Kama, Storm and of course Team Warmachine, who spent that time making preparations for what lay at the end of their...

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Thirteeel Tales 2020: Tale 6

The tale of the library's keeper." thirteen tales 2020 sixth tale the tale of the library's keeper eshel was the type of person who often had his head stuck in a book.

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Between Winters, part VIII

"victor, the library of tamaria has been discovered! it is real!"

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A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 2

So i left the library with a stinging cheek and my ever guilty conscience.

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Chapter 8

After their discovery, sherru and the librarian assigned to the arcane quintessium decided to move the original library to its current location. teleporting to just outside the library's entrance, james turned to his friends.

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The Favor

Gen reached the library about 5 minutes early, but he didn't see smokey come in or out of the library. others came and went looking at the giant wolf standing outside the library in a training outfit.

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Chronicles of Lyandar Chapter 1: Beginings

"you mention the library as the main fact. what makes it the main attraction of the city?" "it isn't your average library, boy. this library covers an area the same size of a palace. it goes very deep underground.

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Dead Trees

All of her books and library had coalesced back into the shapes that they had first known during their previous lives, before they had been known and books and library, back when they had first been the trees that all of her books and library had been constructed

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CARDBOARD Episode 2: THe Stellar Failsafe

"you would think a library like this would attract a lot of people." "maybe it's sunday?" zeelo suggested. "i mean most libraries are closed on sunday." "but this library is on the sun." calex protested.

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