A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 2

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#17 of Life In College

I'm going to jump ahead in this series now, just to speed things up. The originally plan was to go through all four years of Thomas' college life, but uh, he he... rubs neck that' be a lot to read. :P

So we'll pick this up next story in Thomas' senior year, when he, Anji, Cale, and everyone else will have just one more year until their done with school. :3

I've got good hopes for this series, and will hopefully be doing a sort of spin off with Thomas, because I have a small idea for his next career, after he's graduated for college. Can't make pizza's forever right? ;D

Before cheating on Kiylee, I hadn't ever been slapped by a girl.

I knew Anji had though. I had seen it happen a couple of times. Maybe he'd get to rough with a girl, or rub her the wrong way. Then it was a nice, smooth whack across the face, and the girl would walk away from Anji in a huff.

But I myself didn't know the feeling. Well, not until I talked to Kiylee again anyways.

The sun had just started to get low when I walked into the library. It was cool inside, the the same library aide sat behind the counter like usual. A parrot, with bright lush feathers and a pretty face. Amy, or maybe her name was Dawn. Something like that. Of course I wasn't here to make new friends. I was here to talk to Kiylee, assuming she even wanted to see my face. So I walked into the library, and sat down at one of the tables.

It wasn't long before Kiylee showed up. The short husky girl was wearing a black skirt and a bright blue tank top that hugged her upper body. Her full breasts were easy to see under the tank, but I didn't have the pleasure of seeing her cute little behind. Not that I deserved too. Her hair was still short, still black, and still cute. Her long tail swished back and forth, and her icy blue eyes looked around the library for me.

She saw me sitting down, and meet my gaze. I sat still though, one arm slung over the back of the chair, and the other arm in my lap. Kiylee held up a paw, a small gesture of hello. I held up my own paw in return, then put it back down quickly. I felt sick. My stomach was in knots, and it felt like my heart was surfing in a hurricane. It was beating against my chest in anticipation. Of not knowing. That was something I really hated. When things weren't clear, it really bothered me.

But Kiylee walked over to me, her paws held out to her sides just a little bit. Her small feet tapped the floor, her forepaws soft against the library's carpet floor. She walked over to me, meeting my gaze for that brief second, then she looked away. But still she came to where I was, and sat down.

Not even across from me. She sat just a chair away from me. I looked at her, taking her figure in. I found myself wonder why I had cheated on her. She was gorgeous, I know I said that a while ago, before I screwed up our relationship, but now I can see just how bad I fucked up.

For the first two minutes, neither of us said anything. But she was the one who broke the silence first.

"What's up?" she asked. It was a casual, "Hey, how have you been, whats up?" but more of a "What the fuck do you want now you lying sack of shit?" It stung at me, and I swallowed. I tripped over the first sentence that came out of my mouth.

"T-to talk to y-you," I spit out.

"To talk?" Kiylee's sweet clear voice was flawless, and she locked eyes with me again. Immediately I swallowed again.

"Yeah," I said, "Because I know I fucked up. I get that now, and I'm sorry."

"Oh your sorry huh?" her voice was like a whip that stung my soul, "Your sorry, and your going to... what?" She looked at me, her eyes solid, her voice unwavering, "Your going to tell me sorry and hope that it all goes back to normal?"

"I am sorry dammit," the foul word slipped out of my mouth, and I put a paw to the tabletop. "I get that I fucked up, but I also get that I can't have you back." I looked away from Kiylee now, and shoved a paw through my hair. I was suddenly to hot, even though the library was cool. "I understand that your pissed off at me because I screwed you over, and you've got no reason to take me back. All I wanted to do was say I'm sorry."

I kept my eyes on the far wall of the library now. I heard KIylee put her paw to the tabletop, then I heard the sharp click of nails on wood. The taps sounded in succession, but I still didn't turn around. Then Kiylee said my name in a low, quiet voice.

"Thomas," it was soft. Almost gentle. But I heard her voice shake just slightly. I swallowed, and on the way down the same swallow felt like a bomb that would hit my gut and explode. I felt like throwing up. I was scared, that wasn't the right word. I was just nervous.

But I turned around despite myself. Kiylee was still tapping her nails on the table, but the sound faded away when I looked at her again.

I meet her eyes, and then Kiylee stood up. Her skirt swished, and she stepped in front of me. It was only a step and a half. Then she stood in front of me, her slim body not towering over me, but still she stood tall.

Then she took my face in her paw. She gripped my chin, and leaned down to me. She got lower and closer, and then stopped. For a spilt second I though she was going to kiss me. I though she would silently forgive all the shit I had put her though. But that's not what happened.

What Kiylee did was put her face beside my ear, and whisper to me.

"I don't care if you sorry," her voice was low. It still had the same sweet, pleasurable tone, but now it had dropped so low. "I don't care that you don't want me back," she pressed her neck to mine, still whispering, "Your an asshole, Thomas Orroro. Your a cheater, and a no good, lying sack of shit. I feel like a fool to ever think that you ever loved me."

Then she pulled away, still gripping my chin. But her fingers relaxed, then she ran her fingers under my chin. It was an almost loving gesture. But a split second later, I knew that caress had just been a wind up for the pitch.

Kiylee pulled her paw away from my face, then flattened the same paw out. I saw what was coming a split second before It came. But I sat there and let it happen.

The hit was hard. Kiylee's paw streaked across my face with one hard, loud SMACK! and then her paw was back to her side. I felt my face turn, and my hair came with my face. The pain rolled into my cheek a second later, and I put a paw to my face. Man dad that hurt.

Kiylee put her paws to her sides, but I didn't even turn my head when she spoke next.

"I hope the next slut you date doesn't have to go through what I did," she said.

Then Kiylee left the library. But she didn't leave in a wailing, crying storm like I though she would. Instead she left in a calm, quiet rage that I would't have ever expected. I only kept my paw to my face, and looked at the floor of the library. My face was hot now, and stung where I'd taken a hit.

It didn't take long for the guilt to set in. I had hurt her, plain and simple. There wasn't anything else I could say, and Kiylee had just made herself more than clear about where were stood as a couple. Or more like where we didn't stand.

I sat in the same chair for a good two minutes, not even thinking. My face was hot, and my cheek stung. I sat with my paw on my face, but what was I doing? Why was I still sitting here? I had talked to Kiylee. It was over between the two of us. There was nothing else to discuss, nothing else to say. Nothing else to do except move on.

After two minutes, I got up from the chair at the table. I pushed the chair back in, and picked up my backpack. Swinging the single strap over my back, I put both my paws into my pockets, and left the library. I had a class in an hour, and i would need the in-between time to study for a math test that was coming soon.

When I left the library though, my heart wasn't heavy. It hurt sure, but I knew Kiylee's heart was probably laying on Green Pine's campus somewhere, shattered into a million different little pieces. So I left the library with a stinging cheek and my ever guilty conscience.