The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 3
They definitely aren't gone though, and it's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to those creatures, especially out in a wilderness like here.
End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 04
Well, especially because we had a test after but you didn't care, you had your book." goofy suppresses a laughter as he keeps reading the book. "well according to the book, vampires travel very fast during the night of course.
Hunting Death- On the Rooftops
I can roam through the city freely without restriction and especially won't be bothered by those kids anymore.
The Lost October (Novemberween)
I want to thank everyone again for their continued interest and support, especially the backers. it means the world to me...even though i fight you all so much in terms of being so generous. thank you so much... -wasty
First Loss ~Chapter 6 Heart of a Lion~
Andrew thought about how his life would change if he had anything, especially since it wouldn't be bacterial. if he had anything, it wasn't going away anytime soon.
The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1) (Draft 2)
Although substances like gleam and lucidian were not always legal--especially lucidian--i knew how to profit from it. i sold softer reagents too.
Zuzm, nuestro salvador
Un día en especial, se me vino a la mente dibujar una nueva especie no conocida por el hombre. se me vino a la mente un popurrí de ideas que quería llevarlas a un dibujo concreto.
Overlord: Raise of Darkness Chapter 6 Deposition
And while they will be a project taking years, he was sure the payout was worth it... especially as he could use them to get faster into other chicant nests.
I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 2
He felt mildly guilty for how much he'd eaten already, especially after how extravagantly he'd eaten last night. "have it your way." alva reached for another and began peeling it.
Light Bane: Chapter 8
On top of that, the violent sway caused by the strong waves caused many, especially those not accustomed to sea travel, to become seasick. hans was one of them.
especially since if they lose that season the poor guy gets fired despite it just being the destined who was the reason they lost." "yeah and i've been carrying you since you were an egg.
The Sealed Planet: Chapter 24
For sel and astha, it wasn't a bad deal, especially since he was still willing to get them that close. i wasn't all that sure, however.