Transcend - Epilogue

Cee walked through the cottage, stopping every now and again to peer at the photos on the mantle over the fireplace or on the shelves. Evergreen lay on the bed, unmoving. Not even the steady rise and fall of his breath was there, his chest still and...

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Team Valiant Arc 8 Epilogue: The Coming Storm

Luminara's sleep that night started restful... But soon, she had a visitor. She 'awakened' to herself standing on a glowing, white circle that seemed to be in the sky, for all around her she could see the stars and open sky of the...

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Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 14)

**epilogue: back to normal?** adam and the rest of them lived together as a family as adam returned to his normal human state. zorua and riolu finally had brothers of their own. they were all together now. everyone was happy. so was adam.

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File #13 - "Epilogue"

#13 of star trek: warrior - legacy file #13 - "epilogue" "acting captain's log... stardate: 180107 point 9 commander shon tempest reporting...

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CYOA, End: Alpha dad

There can be read an epilogue to, but it's not importent for the headstory. suddenly, carl hear something. he turn his head. the door of the labs opens and shows a big creature. with his eyes, carl can see it. it was a huge wolf, standing on his paws.

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Oggstrosse - Epilogue

epilogue -hours had passed, and night had fallen. a pair of eyes looked left, then right, up then down. there was nothing. everyone was gone.-come on, there's no one here.


Afterword by Ted V.

#59 of poetry a sort of epilogue to a three-part story about a gay werewolf biker pack that i've been writing over the course of... three years, i think?

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Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A

I did really like the "epilogue," though, even if i had to reread it later.** i thought it was an interesting trait.

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Distraction (Kreet 30)

I may do an epilogue of sorts, but it won't be canon. i don't think it ends as you may think, given the last line of this post at least. so maybe a little surprise still remains.

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Rebirth Epilogue

Catch you next upload laters rebirth epilogue " is about damn time," a deep/haunting voice says from somewhere in the mist to which is quickly followed by a feminine giggle

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Chapter 30, or Next Time on Wolves' Legacy (END)

#30 of wolves' legacy saga this is the epilogue chapter of the first part of wolves' legacy. it is intended to lead to to wolves' legacy 2. "(well, i never thought that goes pretty well, though not as expected)."

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