Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 3

They want to enslave me. point me in any direction they want and make me wipe out nations. so i'm spitting in their eyes, starting up thousands of anthro rebel groups and creating weaponry for them.

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Their Furry Fate

Justin noticed, just then, that there weren't just enslaved animals in the castle, but also birds and even some children as well.

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Beware of cougars CH1 PT3

#4 of beware of cougars story a short of a longer story. where three people attack those who enslave others. lady sasha opens her eyes and laughs at what her informant had just said. if only her informant knew the truth about what he was asking for.

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FoxTail Prologue

Unfortunately the humans were very concerned that this new agreement between these creatures would lead to their demise, some even believed that humans would be enslaved if they allowed the beasts to create their own government.

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

180 â€" the end of the atlantian age â€" the battle of terra â€" the asgard manages to get odin down on terra and helps free the enslaved terrans, who immediately aid her against galladia who invokes the power of the valkyrie, allowing her to become

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Chapter 8: A Temporary Reunion

He found the secret someone got him through the secret tunnel, then because yamizephyr was threatening to take the place over and enslave everyone if xenorosth didn't reveal himself, he teleported me here, and flew out to meet him.

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Rust Belt Tails III: Trial Under Fire

Justin soon became the very thing which he had hoped to avoid- a robot devoid of any freewill, completely enslaved to the factory job he soon grew to hate.

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D.E1 Part III Prologue

One of the enslaved being said. she seemed to be in charge of a sector and her duty was to care for the others. she wasn't happy; she knew she might be in trouble for what she had done. "he's out cold still..." another replied.

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Moon Scythe - Chapter 1

They will enslave the men they catch and breed the women they catch." caseel looked back, appalled. he stared into the village, the fires starting to burn higher, and with them his temper.

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Farmer Stinky - part 1

"horse riding, cow milking, and such, it's enslaving the animals, not fair to them." "well we're here now, and now we gotta meet a skunk who looks like he should be a character in a kid's cartoon with that outfit."

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Power Rangers SPD: Conspiracy (unfinished story)

#3 of unfinished stories and ideas unfinished spd story that involved a gay sirian kidnapping doggie cruger to save him and a group of unknowingly enslaved sirians from a deadly enemy from within.

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Bui's New Slave

He would've enslaved one of his fellow water types, but they all knew him. if one of the denizens of the water disappeared, they would sooner or later trace it back to him. with a land pokémon, they wouldn't know that he was connected to it all.

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