Power Rangers SPD: Conspiracy (unfinished story)
#3 of Unfinished Stories and Ideas
Unfinished SPD story that involved a gay Sirian kidnapping Doggie Cruger to save him and a group of unknowingly enslaved Sirians from a deadly enemy from within.
Deep within the recesses of space, Alek Sinclair awaited his fate. For years, he had stared at the rough stone walls of his impromptu prison, whether it be sitting alone and destitute in his dismally-lit cell or working tirelessly under the lash of robotic guards in the mines. He rarely saw anyone, not even his captors, which was why he was suspicious when he was told he would be expecting a visitor, on that fateful day. If the rumors he had been hearing were right (and he only half-believed any rumor he heard in this desolate dump), and he was expecting who he thought he would be expecting, then, just maybe...
"On your feet, fleabag," the orange and black spiked robot guarding his cell snapped at him. Obediently, he stood, staring out past the bars of the makeshift prison with disgust. The Igaroids were merciless, as were their masters, and he had learned long ago not to cross them, lest you wanted your internal organs punctured by your own ribs. After a few minutes, a tall figure entered, his features cloaked in the shadows of the room, making it impossible to make out who it was by eyesight. Alek knew who it was, however; like most of his species, his nose never forgets a scent, and he had long since memorized the foul stench of his betrayer.
"Fancy seeing you here. I figured you'd be sipping martinis in your comfy office back at the base."
The figure's eyes narrowed as he delivered a swift yet brutal backhand to the Sirian, nearly knocking him to his knees. Alek growled in fury as he spat blood onto the figure's feet and worked to reset his jaw.
"Now that we've got that settled," he retorted, venomously, "why don't you do us all a favor and LET US THE FUCK GO?!"
The figure grabbed Alex by the muzzle and dragged him up to eye level. In his anger, the figure never felt the gentle prod at his coat, or hear the faint tinking of metal on metal as Alek withdrew his hands to his chest, innocently. "Keep this up, you little freak," he warned, coldly, "and you're going to wish you were vaporized with your miserable planet. Maybe you still will, once I get done with that rabid flea-bitten mongrel loverboy of yours."
Alek's eyes went wide as his brain processed what he had just heard. "You wouldn't dare...!" The figure just smirked at the Sirian, making him growl threateningly in his throat. "You, bastard! You so much as lay a feather on Doggie, so help me, I'll..."
"You'll what, you cock-sucking mutt?" the figure snapped back, irritated. "No one knows you're alive, let alone under my...'gracious care', and even if you DO try something, you'll have the entire Troobian empire AND my own command after you. Are you really going to risk your own life and those of your people JUST to keep me from harming that which you can never have?"
Alek winced at that, remembering his time at the academy, the heartbreak he felt over his time with Doggie...then snarled as he remembered just WHO he was talking to.
"If it means warning him about you and your cronies, and wiping you off the face of the galaxy, then so be it."
The figure laughed in sour bemusement. "Such arrogance from such a lowly creature." He turned around and left the cell, letting the Igaroid slam the gate closed, behind him. "Have fun trying to escape, fool," he chuckled, tossing a flippant wave goodbye behind him.
Alek sat back down in his cell, cradling his arms around him, defiantly. "Oh, don't worry, you traitorous bastard,"he spat back, sneaking a peak into his hand as he fondled the keys he had stolen from the figure earlier. "I'm sure I will..."
A few moments later, the entire mine was abuzz with a loud cacophony of clanking cell doors and shouted orders. A blaring siren wailed throughout the roughened corridors as a loudspeaker announced the impossible: Alek had escaped.
The Sirian ran full-tilt towards the launch bay, stopping only momentarily to sidetrack to the mine's vault and reacquire his stuff: a laser pistol, trenchcoat, and an intricately designed spiked collar, which he put on the second he grabbed it. Sneaking behind a corner, he found his target: a civilian shuttlecraft, nestled between two Troobian strike fighters, and bearing an unusual crest, that of the SPD police department.
Tapping a stud on his collar, and tweaking a spike beside it, Alek's features changed to that of the mystery guest he had met, earlier. Clearing his throat, a bit, and steeling himself for what's to come, he strolled into the hangar and up to a pair of Batsuroids guarding the shuttles.
"Has the prisoner been found, yet?" he asked, sternly, in a perfect rendition of the mystery figure's voice. The Batsuroids shook their heads. "Then keep looking. He's probably going to come here, looking for a shuttle to escape to Earth with. I'll take mine back to headquarters, so he can't use it to sneak past Earth's defense systems, if he does escape this rock.. Is that understood?"
The Batsuroids nodded and ran off towards the shuttle bay entrance, leaving Alek alone with his means of escape. Shaking his head at the stupidity of the mechanical men, he quickly boarded the civilian shuttle and started the engines, strapping himself into the pilot's chair as he prepared for take-off. He figured he had about five minutes before the Batsuroids run into the real mystery figure, and realize they had been duped, so he had to work fast.
His estimates were wildly off, for a few seconds later, just as all checks had cleared on the shuttle for launch, those same two Batsuroids came storming back into the hangar, followed by the mystery figure and a troupe of Anaroids, all of whom looked pissed. Cursing underneath his breath, Alek gunned the throttle and took off, running over a few of the mobbing robots as he rocketed off into the clear blue sky and into space. The mystery figure stared, fuming, as his prey too off, out of his reach, then, unexpectedly, he smiled wryly.
"I couldn't have planned this better if I tried," he mumbled, smugly, before turning to a Batsuroid. "Get my space shuttle ready. I've got to prepare for the arrival of our...'guest'...on Earth."
Alek sighed a breath of relief as he entered Terran space. He was almost certain that his captors would have followed him, and they had for a little while, but it appeared that he had lost them. Good, he thought to himself, tiredly. One less nuisance to worry about.
Waitaminute, he scolded himself, thinking back on his escape. Growling, he smacked himself in the head, cursing his own stupidity. Clever. Kill two birds with one stone, this way, or more precise, two dogs with one bird. It was obvious to him, now, that the figure had intended on letting him escape, no doubt using it as an excuse to publically further his own schemes. Too bad for him, I'm not nearly as predictable as he thinks I am. Programming the autopilot for a collision course right off the shores of NewTech City, and configuring the computer to automatically give its codes and identification when hailed, Alek slipped into the back of the shuttle, and waited.