Student body chapter 4

On the way out of the mall alex stopped when he caught site of a store that sold fur dyes. he didn't hear his friends when they finally noticed he'd stopped walking with them.

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Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation

I wandered off a bit into the forest to pick a few flowers to make dyes for the nightly celebration and smiled as i came across a few small blueberry bushes, picking them and placing in my small leather pouch.

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"Seasons" - Chapter 3

Just as soon as the group started talking about their plans for the weekend(shannon and damien planned to check out the record store in town, cyrus planned to dye his hair a new color, seth just flushed red and didn't say what he planned to do, and dasha said

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Chapter 18

Seer says with a smirk after using another water source to clean the dye of his scales.

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Jack and Will

When sai told me the red hair dye made them stick out more i tried to dye it back, but she wouldn't let me so i ended up keeping it. it's developed into something that reminds me of her every time i look at it so i suppose it's a good thing.

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An Assassin's Tale Chapter 1: A Return Home

I tried my best to avoid crinkling my nose at the pervading scent of wool and dye. in the back right corner, there was a wooden counter in front of a doorway that led to a back room.

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A Far Green Country

I'll sleep beneath wide, sighing linden boughs that dye the sunlight like stained glass, and find paths carved into the malachite hillsides leading from grassy terrace to orchard, leading from arcade to dim aspen grove, leading from ferny grotto to a

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Cosmic Stars - Epilogue

The feathers located on the alien looked to be dipped in a potent purple dye. "never have one of us been killed by the millions of planets that we've conquered." the alien sat on one of many boulders that rested along the shore of a large lake.

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Stung 1: The Tiger in the Bar

If he notices the dye, he'll just think you're at a party or something.' aj scratched his cheek, irritated by the itchy blue dye. 'i know, i know. but why, man?' logic decided to tell him.

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How I Became Broken

Nobody notices my red hair, because all the young furs seem to be dyeing their hair my wicked color these days. i do hate my imitators. however, i will always kill the murderers, rapists, and thieves before i will kill someone innocent.

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A late Night Dinner

Just play it cool, get through desert, get him home, switch off the light and the "accidentally" give him some dye in his conditioner so he has to get it re-cut. bribe his stylist if i have to. "desert?" he asks.

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