Chapter One: First Strike

#2 of invictus chapter one of invictus. i have written so little in the last few years, but i suppose i ought to upload what i have. in a sense, i literally lost all motivation to continue after the third chapter.

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Chapter Three: A Painful Memory

#4 of invictus chapter three is as far as i got at the time i was writing this... i had a lot of other things going on at the time, and i simply never made it back to this. i'm wondering if i should continue it? as always, feedback is always welcome.

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Stars of Time - The Stars of Destiny

Brother of invictus warfang and secundius warfang." spyro looked at him in surprise. "what!?" he said, "warfang? as in, the royal family warfang, to whom warfang is named after?" "yeah, pretty much." cedric said, as he smiled. "in fact, i am...

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