Halloween 2022 - Rewind
No new details and no time to hide any," she muttered to herself. a glance at her watch showed 8:55 pm. could she make it in five minutes? no reason to not try. but this'd been a bad day.
I must say though, that we were all somewhat amazed to discover that you had written an entire volume detailing the year for which lord denholme was awarded the golden admiralty star."
Hitchhike Talks | by KitsuneJey
Names and details will be forgotten by us, but shared highlights are going to remain._ _excuse me, stranger. may i have a ride?
Student Body Chapter 1 & 2
It was cute, toni seemed to have a very keen eye for these details.
The Wedding of Hikari and Zach
As i finish my sentence a slight shift occurs in the fabrics and the details of the benches. a flourish of acid green runs along the borders of all of the fabrics and traces intricate wave and ocean details into the wood of the benches.
(Bonus Content) Interdepartmental Memo
I still must refuse to release details about the ongoing investigation._ _furthermore, don't talk to me about loss.
My fursona and Ssol-Arian race ref
Zelians details zelian always has two of his fangs sticking out at both sides at the base of his muzzle. zelian always wear a necklace with a little iron ring hanging from it.
A Meeting with the Doctor
He eventually relinquished the vial to bentley, so that he could inspect them in closer detail. "nanites? isn't that science fiction?"
A werewolf guide: introduction
Today i am just going to write about some general stuff and use the next few reports to go into more details.
Paws Adjoined (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)
If you're interested in getting a story like this, as well as potentially an art piece and animation, check this link here for updated details! (p.s. i shall upload the new details in about 30 mins, and add the link then. for now, just look out for it!)
Inner Struggle-Chapter 13-Lucid Dreams
That last detail came as a huge relief to me as i felt something grab my tail. it came as a reward to me to know that when i opened my eyes drearily they were being cleaned by my boyfriends tongue.
The Observer Stories Log 1
The game's world is a lot more fleshed out now, and i am hoping to keep filling in details as i go. i wrote this in about an hour after thinking over the details i now have. important people: -the observer - not much is known about him. nsa? cia?