The story of the Phoenix

The phoenix worked her miracles, curing the people of there illness, making them strong and healthy again. she didn't just cure the people of the towns she visited but also healed the earth where ever she walked.

An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 23-Great Eight Festival

"we found someone who can cure you", tess's dad said, "cure me of what?", tess demanded. "your...condition", the third man said, "your parents gave me pictures and i believe i can repair the damage that was done to you." "what damage?!?!"

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Enjoy Life While It Lasts. Part two. Luki's Journey.

cured.. he would be cured soon... he kicked and tryed to fling his arms in order to cease the pain but he realised that too was binded almost as tightly as his throat. he went on kicking and spining more slowly.

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Schools And Types of Magic In Maldora

In order for healing or curing spells to work, the magic user needs to create more of the tissue they are repairing, or more of one's immune system to fight the disease.

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Clown Mare 6-2

There is no such thing as a cure is there?" he nodded his head up and down three times with his eyes shut.

Just Desert

Lifting what looked to be a good leg of cured meat, he aimed and thrown its hefty weight to land between the flowers.


A Matter of Pride

"there is no cure?" she laughed until she saw he was serious. "if there was a cure, i'd be out of a job. no, there's no cure. if i'm cleansed, it would kill me." "i'm sorry." she tilted her head. "i think you have the wrong idea.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Thirty Nine

"and that's the cure majestic promised you?" i guessed. he shook his head. "no. this is just a temporary solution. eventually they'll find my real cure, one that'll make the problem go away forever. or so they said nine years ago.

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Blade Tail- End of Tour

It wasn't a complete cure and he should go about dealing with the biological means of curing. effectively all he did is the equivalent to taking a couple of headache meds, but far quicker and effective.

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Michael and Amanda, Introduction

I hope the future holds the cure that you're hoping for. good-bye." "good-bye dr. broadhurst."

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 5-To Kill Time

So have you decided on what path i should take on the development of the cure?" "i think trying to design a counter virus would be better in the long run because maybe we can make it contagious." "a contagious cure?"

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Pokemorph Virus: Infection

"i have heard talk from pokemon that this boy is a researcher for the cure to the virus," he nudged his head at michael. "if this is true, then getting infected would be easily solved once the cure is found." he offered.

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