Clown Mare 6-2


#23 of Clown Mare

Chapter 6.2

Spiras took a sip of the coffee. He felt that nice warmth of a taste in that coffee, nice, and hot. The cream was a bit on his tongue when both of his eyes shut. He had a dream of that one single moment where he was at the place called home.

Eight years ago. At the beginning of the winter festival.

He looked at the ground and picked up his choo-choo train. He smiled that very night with his parents.

"Hun you need to grow up and learn new things." His mother took the train away from him with her left hoof. He then realized at nine minutes to think of the sort of thing to do. He grabbed the hammer and nails and built the lab. With his knowledge he then made a secret laboratory.

"Soon my experiment will be completed. I will become the maddest scientist in all of Equestria."

He looked back and set the mug down on the table. He then grabbed his bits and gave twenty coins to Precious. She of course smiled, "I hope you come back soon."

Spiras then stood up from his seat and walked out of the place. He got outside and the breeze went in his face with that nice warm front. He then walked five miles to the northwest.

"I just hope it was worth it. The knowledge from the library in the restriction section."

He then got home and opened the door with his left hoof. Headed down stairs and opened the pod as it slowly opened. Hot steam came out of it while he raised his right hoof.

"Are you ready for the next test? Dear."

"What's left, doctor? You know I have a severe blood disorder and wish for it to go away.

"It all began that day when I was eating and had food poisoning from eating too much. But how could it ever be possible?" She took that deep breath and let it all out.

Moonshine walked out and looked on her left and saw Spiras with a needle carrying on his right hoof. She then shut both of her eyes. Spiras placed it near her left arm and shoved it in.

"You only have two weeks until the day you die. I wish for the best for you but I was wondering before you die. I was hoping you would come with me to the gala for one last time before your death starts in the next two weeks."

She nodded her head up and down while her eyes were shut.

"It can't be helped by the doctor. There is no such thing as a cure is there?"

He nodded his head up and down three times with his eyes shut. However, he then spoke, "There can only be one possibility but I think we should make one last dance before we go to proceedings of anything further. The only way there can be a cure is something that I know far too well to be possible."

She looked at him and sighed, "Well if that to be the case so be it. But mark my words, Spiras it will be done. Whether I live or die."