Enjoy Life While It Lasts. Part two. Luki's Journey.
Despite his best efforts Luki finally woke up yet again and could not go back to sleep. The lucario slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the mewtwo nuzzleing him. " Rabel.. Rabel wake up already.. Your so lazy hmhm.. " The Lucario smirked impishly and licked the mewtwo's cheek. " Hmmm.. Hear that? Those birds are always so demanding in finding love arn't they? They just scream and scream and scream.. Until it comes to them. Hmhm like spoiled kids wouldn't you agree? But honestly man you are acting like a kid yourself makeing me have to drag you out of bed to maby.. God forbid get some sunlight.. " Luki teased as he sat up. The limp mewtwo leaning on him still.
" HELLOOO? Anyone there sleepy head?! " The lucario groaned in anoyence as he opened the mewtwo's eyelids with his paws. " Dont you roll your eyes at me like that! I thought you loved me.. Why so silent? Oh, your just cranky because your so cold right? Fine c'mon lets get warmed up.. I hate cold mornings too.. " Luki said with a soft sigh as he picked up the mewtwo in his arms. Its limp heavy tail draging slightly on the ground as he went outside to the hot springs just outside the cave. Once there he went in them with Rable and sat down on a shallow spot, still holding the mewtwo in his arms he began to wash him off. Dumping water on him with his free paw while keeping his head up with the other.
" Nice huh? " Luki commented after a moment. The mewtwo's eyelids had become shut when he had sat down. " Rable i know your tired but i dont think talking should be to much effort.. Heh Yesterday sure was awesome was it not? I new everything would turn out some how- ... Rable.. R.. RABLE... RAABBBLLEEEE!!! " The Lucario screamed. His voice wasn't very low but it wasn't high pitched either. Regardless it traveled for miles as also echoed off some of the rocks of the moutain they were at.
" Im sorry i didn't mean to shout.. I know your trying to relax.. I just dont like talking to myself ya know..? I will shut up.. The silence is nice isn't it..? " Luki said softly. The birds had flown off from the few trees up here they were perched in. Leaveing a errie silence. Luki finished cleaning off the mewtwo and embraced him loveingly in the warm water.
" There.. Nice and warm.. " He shruged and let go of the mewtwo gently. Rable's head soon thumped lightly on the edge of the pool without Luki there to hold it up. His body limply sitting there in the shallow water with his tail squished uncomfortibly under his left leg, rather then wraped neatly around his waist like Rabel would have done had he been truely just releaxing and being to lazy to so much as speak.
" Sorry! " The lucario yelped quickly before washing himself. Oddly calm once more. When he was done he giggled and embraced the mewtwo again. Nipping at Rable's neck and awaiting that tail to embrace him once more. It did not though..
Time froze. And something he had forced out of his mind had snaped back into place. What happend next though was such a sudden blur of insanity that perhaps one of the only ways it could be described would be if one was shot from a distance and did not know what hit him. Only that nothing made sense and that the pain could not be described with words. When the chaos finally calmed down he came back to full consciousness he found himself standing at the top of the cave. A noose made of vines wraped tightly around his neck and his feet inches from the edge. " Rable... I have no regrets.. "
He leaned foward and with a thunk his body twitched and joilted again from the sudden pain of the tightening noose around his throat. He was hardly able to make even a whimper as he began spining slowly in the world. His mind and this world. No longer at peace or in any sort of harmony at all for that matter. The world was flawed, as was he. Flaws were problems.. Problems had to be addressed.. Fixed.. Cured.. He would be cured soon...
He kicked and tryed to fling his arms in order to cease the pain but he realised that too was binded almost as tightly as his throat. He went on kicking and spining more slowly. Getting sort of aroused but for no reasson at all. He would never love again. Never live again. Never be happy again.. Or wait.. WAIT!.. Maby pain.. Was love. Maby this was what it was.. Maby just maby. It was life's way of expressing it. A message firmly imprinted in your being to tell you your alive.
" I cant.. Go.. Numb.. NO... I AM... NUMB.. RABLE!!!!! WHY WAS I SUCH A COWARD!? " His psycic mind hissed loudly enough to be heard like words despite his neck being clamped firmly shut. His body slowing down more as his tail twitched and his padded feet joilted and curled a little. " WHY WAS I SUCH A FOOL?! " He felt his tongue hang out his mouth and drool slowly go down from hiss muzzle as everything began to slow down again. Flashes of light entering his head. Tears were pouring from his eyes down to the ground about twenty feet below and athough he was not aroused enough from all this pain to really enjoy it he was a sight to behold, had there been anyone that wanted to watch a sad soul like him hang.
His body clamped up and another flash of light came. But in it was a figure. " And why do you continue to be..? " A calm and friendly voice he knew asked.
" Rable... RABLE.. IM SORRY! " His body went slack. For only a moment. Then a spere of dark energy unlike any aura any other lucario could do engulfed the entire top of the cliff. Burning the tree and the vines to ashes and scorching all the rocks up there black.
He was falling.. Like he did sometimes in his dreams. There was a loud SPLASH. And then everything faded in and out. It went dark and almost stayed dark. Almost.. But a small little shard of light in the darkness began to expand and consume it all. Until he was back at the surface of the hot springs coughing and gasping up water. His body had been unharmed by the psycic attack that he had used.
" I.. Was a coward.. For doing this.. Rable.. Where did you, oh.. " His voice trailed off as he noticed some blood on the rocky floor. He followed it back inside the cave. Stuned and silent at the sight he saw.
Bloody markings insanity were written all over the walls. Some words written in his specie's tongue clearly labeled here and there.
He looked at the last dead marking draging on and on until the blood trailed off down the wall. He looked down at Rable whom was laying down peacefully in the leafs just below the writeing. And thats when he noticed Rable was entirely unharmed. He also had a dim purple aura surronding him. It appeared to be a preserveation spell of some sort.
" What did i do..? " Luki whisperd before coughing. His throat was still bleeding pretty badly from the rope digging into his skin and it was a wonder he could talk at all. Thats when he noticed in the far corner of the room was a pile of bird corpses. Butchered and soaked in their own blood like sponges.. It was.. Terrible.. Dark. And yet.. He saw himself move foward and write directly under the bodys with his own blood from his neck.
And then he slowly added with his eyes stareing the the bodys almost in a transe.
Right when blood stained claws finished the last mark he stared at himself then looked over at Rable.
" NO..... IM NOT.. I WILL.. FIND THE LIGHT! " He hissed before walking over to his recently deceased friend and picking up his body once more. Holding Rable overh is shoulder he exited the cave and began to descend down the moutain.
" Somehow.. Someway.. I will get you back.. My soul is a corrupt twisted lake now.. This life has created a ripple effect in me that has harmed other innocent creatures.. I must not let this continue.. Death will not be the only cure.. I MUST.. I WILL.. Find LIFE... Rable.. I PROMISE.. " He said psycicly to himself this time as he continued his on his way down. Takeing another step into the dark unpredictible future. Armed with hope as his light as well as his loyality and love for Rable as his shield the evil that surely was awaiting to try to swallow him up would not do so without a hell of a fight.
" I know your still there Rable.. You saved me. And i will save you.. " He assured him.