Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt5
Six of the eight students made their way out of their respective locker rooms and into the lazy river - the missing couple being kyle and jack, which caused a couple of jokes to be tossed around among the others before the final couple emerged, the
Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.4)
Or, maybe, you're **such** a great couple that you're actually **proud** of that parasite growing in you now, is that it?" "you think i was **hoping** to get pregnant??"
And Mango Makes Three
"Sure you don't want to play this one?" Sydney asked. "Single player, my man" Carl said, relaxing on the couch, "Besides, watching you fail is pretty funny." Sydney gave him the middle finger, but eagerly started. "Babe, it's going to be...
CJ's Got Fleas
Taking a deep breath, CJ pushed open the of his and Flick's shared apartment. It had been a long day, the beaver traveled to yet another island, hosting a fishing tournament. Sure it was a lot of fun and the viewers of his loved it, but the beaver was...
Wolf Rock II - Cropper and Sultan Go To The Bar
The pair caught the smell of the cheese and the salsa long before it reached their table, causing them to both sniff a couple of times and sighing deeply. cropper snorted. "i guess i was hungrier than i thought..."
A Pleasant Walk
**8/10/1347** * * * A young she-wolf wearing a blue silken dress with white hems leans her right side against an oak doorframe. Her steel gray fur bristles at every movement the one in front of her makes, her left hand brushes her gray neck fur as...
Guardian Tails Backstory: Paul and Benjamin, Mercenary Duo
There are millions of anthros in this world, and they all walk a different road in life. Some raise a family and work steady jobs to keep them fed. Others broaden their horizons through traveling. I've seen and met many of these fine anthros and they...
This Old Tree
I saw it for the first time when I set my paws in our yard Still as if dead yet so alive and green I tip toed over to it and introduced myself, "Hello, I'm Max, what's your name?" If it could give an answer this old thing certainly didn't choose...
The Cottage
They set up anna's crib in her bedroom next to there's upstairs and by 9pm the couple had settled in fully with the flat screen chirping an old movie which the couple quickly fell asleep to.
Root of the Issue
Vincent adjusted his tie, straightening it and feeling happy with his knot until he looked at the far too long end hanging out. He grumbled and worked the knot loose, to try again. ...
Chapter Three - Coming Out; The Big Question
My tail twitched nervously as i took nate's paw again, "as a couple." we held each others paws tightly as the room fell silent and his parents looked at each other and back at us.
Lovin' a Vixen (A Moonlace Story) Chapter 3
And for that, the new couple were grateful. during that time leading up to the end of it being a month since showing the book to mocha, it was like being in heaven and in dream.