Before the girl could bolt again aj rounded the corner and fired off another pair of shots, ascending the stairs as she did, keeping the bandit down.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Six
A kashni turned around to look just as kulgan flipped himself over in the air, his feet colliding with the bandit's ugly face.
7) The Dragonborn
I took a chance and shot an arrow at one, but the distance from me, at the tunnel exit, to the bandit, almost across the room, was too great, and all it did was alert the bandits that there was someone there.
A Fateful Encounter
It was in fact, several bandits attacking something: a white wolf. he watched as the group of five bandits was being mercilessly taken out one at a time by this mysterious stranger.
Pokemon Story - The Crooks and the Krookodile Ch. 2
It seemed as though donny's attempt to elope the red bandit had failed. but the intimidating and mean look had disappeared from the bandit's face. instead, a face of dread and dire worry was on the bandit's face.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 19
Demanded bandit. "you can't be seri-!" ninetales struck the eevee with her tails, sending him flying toward one of the vaporeon. bandit hit the ground and skidded to a stop. before he could do anything the vaporeon head butted him, hard.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Five
And if she was going to stay alive, she was going to have to keep those bandits from getting to them.
The Outlander 2 17
Three of the bandits fell to the ground nursing the stumps where their footpaws had been. one bandit tried to charge him from behind but was skewered through by the elegantly crafted steel.
Attack (Kreet 10)
However, her extended night vision did allow her to see one of the bandits running at a monk she didn't recognize. the monk couldn't possibly have seen him, since he was engaged with another bandit already in front of him.
The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms
Is this why old salty bandits were always so quiet? always introspecting like this? and he still really wanted a berry.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Three
A few bullets zipped through the air, but he ducked his head and kept running, confident that the bandits wouldn't be able to hit a moving target from so far away.
AbortUS strikes back 5
"to be honest, i didn't expect a bandit to hold as much emotion as you do, most folks expect bandits to be ruthless, coldblooded killers", he explained.