Celebration [2 Year Anniversary Story]
Wow...it's been two years, and still going strong! Lots of projects to be worked on, both personal and some requested stuff. Plus Fallout 4 came out, so I'll be going out with a bang before disappearing for weeks. That's beside the point though! This...
Mysterious Package (Mega Ampharos TF) [GIFT]
Leanan was waiting around at her home browsing the internet. It was a slow day, nothing too crazy was happening. Relaxing sure, but definitely slow. She had decided to go out for walk for a little while, come back and maybe get some work done on some...
Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)
Lisa! I hope you get this in time! You have to get out of Kanto right now! I know it's your vacation and all...but there's been a big incident in Celadon! People are turning into Pokemon! I don't know why, there hasn't been much said about it but I...
The Operation (Anthro Hyena TF/TG) [COM]
"Are you sure about this guy? Something about all this seems...not right." Chai said over to his friend Jessica. "Yeah, of course he is!" she said back reassuringly. "He's the same doctor that turned me into what I am today." the fox woman added on....
A Special Gift (Anthro Vaporeon TF/TG) [COMMISSON
Blue had just landed in Florida ready to start his vacation. He had planned to spend a whole week hanging out the coast, namely at the beach soaking up the sun, meet some new people, hit up some tourist attractions, and have an all around good time. He...
New Trainer on the Block (Gardevoir TF/TG) [COM]
Tom and Danny were both best friends to each other and aspiring Pokemon trainers to be. They were both getting into the "game" rather late, meaning they were well past their childhood years in their twenties. Most pokemon trainers started their...
Stay on the Path (Feral Hyena TF) [COLLAB]
Jessica was someone who traveled quite frequently. She worked full time, but was always able to make time each month to make a trip out to somewhere for a weekend. She traveled all around the world, from Europe, to Asia, even Antarctica. More often...
Invention of the Week #7: Huggable Sweater
Hello again! I haven't done one of these for a while! Well, a while is relevant I suppose. I call this little series "Invention of the Week" but it's seeming more like "Invention of the Month" at the rate these are going out. I'm here now though, the...
Don't Kick My Stick! (Sticks and Kicks TF/TG)
Dell and John were both casually strolling down the street in an attempt for something to do, chatting about whatever came up. There was an in-depth discussion about mozzarella sticks, what is legal in countries they'd both probably never visit, and...
Patricia's Potion Shop: 10th Customer (Dog TF/TG)
Tate was the owner of a record shop that had recently started picking up business after a few years of being down. The reinvigoration of Vinyl had greatly improved traffic and sales, along with the usual CD and DVD/Blu Ray fare. Business stayed rather...
The Immune [Pokerus Outbreak]
A shiny white Girantina was snuggling with her lover, another Girantina normal colored Giratina. The white cosmic Giratina was once a man known as Wildstar Thelix, someone's who's name had become infamous in the world for creating a vaccine for Pokerus...
New Crew (Freedom Planet TF/TG)
It was the middle of the night in the town of Molton, and everyone was slumbering, waiting for the new day to tackle their various duties. Well, everyone except for a small trio of campers, who were about to witness something magical. They were a small...