New Crew (Freedom Planet TF/TG)
One of the more recent stories I have done (I think a month old at the time of posting it here?). This is kinda fanfic-y? Remember that one scene whre Torque said he can't lose another crew and that one thing that happens to a certain character near the end of the game? I took those ideas and made this, which was not the original plan but I liked it much better. So here it is!
It was the middle of the night in the town of Molton, and everyone was slumbering, waiting for the new day to tackle their various duties. Well, everyone except for a small trio of campers, who were about to witness something magical. They were a small group who all met in high school, where they discovered their shared interest in outdoorsmanship. Brandon, Jason, and Daniel formed there little gang there. Even after High School they kept on their tradition of camping out every Saturday night.
The group were all around the campfire roasting their marshmallows. Then everything seemed to happen in an instant. What looked like a shooting star formed in the sky, seemingly out of nowhere and was heading rather quickly down to Earth. It ended up landing only a little ways away from the campsite. They all rush over to the "crash site" and are greeted with a rather odd sight.
It wasn't a rock, but what looked like a ship. However, it didn't look like something from Earth, like a rocket ship or satellite but something almost alien. Daniel kneels in with a closer look, noticing a kind of button on the wreckage. Curious, he clicked it and a hologram came out. It was what looked like a rotating cube that pulsated when it talked.
"If you're receiving this, it means I have to resort to desperate measures, I just pray a brave group finds it. Three heroes...suffered terrible fates. They were mutated into horrific beasts and well...didn't make it. The fight was too much for them. I send this message in hopes of whoever finds it be willing to replace them. I hate to say it but you probably won't see this planet again, but you will be heroes, talked about for centuries. This is a lot to ask but...I can't live with this guilt eating away at me...please. If you accept hit the same button you just pressed, it'll open a portal to my world. Be aware you won't be in the same body you have now...or mind. Don't let this discourage you, please be brave..."
The hologram vanished and the three looked at each other for a while, all with nervous looks on their face.
"What do we do? He sounded very desperate..." Brandon finally speaks up.
"We have to help him!" Daniel retorts, almost striking a heroic pose.
"Really? You heard what he said, we won't see Earth again!" Jason added onto the conversation nervously.
"But if we don't help then his whole world will be destroyed, I can't let that happen! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for knowing that!"
"What if what happens to his old crew happens to you?" Jason retorts.
"You're more than welcome to stay, but I'm going!" Daniel replies as he hits the button again, this time the ship opening, a blue portal forming.
"I'm not leaving you." Jason says with a weak smile. "Your my best friend, we're in this together.
"I'm coming to!" Brandon shouts proudly. "Even if it is kinda scary...I'll be brave!"
"Let's go then." Daniel says with a smile. He nods to the rest who in turn nod back as they all go through the strange vortex. The trio seem to twist and turn throughout their adventure through this kind of wormhole. It was going by so fast, everything an odd mix of colors. As they began to reach the end of the wormhole the trio's bodies began to alter.
Daniel's skin was quickly replaced with lavender scales as white ones formed at her center. His arms became more slender in the process as his shoulders lost their broadness. His hands seemed to get larger, blue gloves with yellow cuffs forming over them. His figure was altering, eventually becoming hourglass, with expanded hips and thinned waist. Two small breasts emerged at his chest while a sleeveless blue tank top replaced his shirt. Daniel's rear pushed out slightly while his pants became tighter and hugged his body, shrinking upward into blue shorts. There was a brief pain at his crotch but it quickly subsided as his manhood left him, only to be replaced with a mere opening there. Daniel's legs became a bit more shapely as his (now her) feet became larger, blue boots forming over them. Daniel's nose became small and black as her eyes became much larger, turning a pinkish. Two blue appendages formed on the sides of her head while her hair turned a slightly darker purple than her scales. Some grew into a bang at the front of her head and behind her while two long strands went into ponytails. Lastly two purple horns pushed out from her head, finished her physical transformation.
Jason's body grew a dark green fur, with darker stripes at various parts of his body. Jason's ears became much larger and triangular, moving to the top of his head. His eyes became much larger and turned emerald, an eyelash sticking out noticeably on each side. His nose became small and black while his arms became slender and shoulders narrow. His hands increased in size slightly as black fingerless gloves formed over them, with a yellow band tied around them. A red bandanna tied around his neck as two small buds formed at his chest. Hints of an hourglass figure began to form but it was barely noticeable. A long black tipped tail formed from Jason's behind as it became slightly more pronounced. His manhood left him as his pants became green cargo shorts where his shirt became a black sleeveless top. Jason's feet became larger as green boots with black toes formed with a yellow ribbon tied around them, finishing Jason's changes.
Brandon's feet became larger and turned into paws while white fur covered his whole body. A green bracelet formed on his left foot, an orange one on the right. The same happened at his wrist, except the colors were swapped, green on the right and orange on the left. His legs became just a tad more shapely as his manhood left him. A white tail pushed out and began flickering from behind her. Brandons's body gained very slight hints of femininity while her arms became much more slender. Her hands became more pawlike in nature but remained hands and became more dainty. Her eyes became much larger and emerald as an eyelash became more pronounced on each side. Her nose became small and black like the others. Brandon's hair became rather messy and longer as it turned a bright orange. Her ears became large and floppy, becoming pink on the inside as white fur covered the outside. Two green stripes formed on each ear. Lastly her outfit changed into a very light green, almost brown jacket that covered her whole body, ending off Brandon's transformation.
The trio made it to the end of the worm hole and as they fell down to the ground, their minds had all altered to fit their bodies. Brandon was Milla, who met Jason, who was now Carol by saving her from a collapsing cave. Through that Jason/Milla met Daniel, who was now Lilac. They fell into a pile and all held their heads.
"Ugh...what happened...?" Carol says getting up slowly, shaking her head.
"You guys fell into the water." a familiar voice answers.
"Thanks for pulling us out Torque!" Lilac says happily, jumping back up.
"I'm still dizzy..." Milla says still on the ground , the others giggling at her innocence.
"I wish we had more time to catch up, but we have work to do, we have to get the Kingdom Stone back from Brevon." Torque says.
"Right. Come on Milla! Up and at em girl!" Lilac says helping the little lass up.
"Let's kick some butt!" Carol says proudly as the quartet runs off.