The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away

Even while we were starting reentry, I didn't think ey'd go through with it. I thought I was the romantic. But ey did, and just like in all the ancient spirit-tale romances, here we are, on a previously uncharted world as our first act together...

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The Baptism Is Long But The Song Is Everlasting

"And what makes you think he set foot on my boat?" Captain Achelous Salimahum Fitzulmo kept his arms crossed and his paws carefully still. Only his tailtip stirred. He hated having to wear his jacket when they made port but the shorebound and suchlike...

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I've Lost Count of the Homes That I Have Lost

I've lost count of the homes that I have lost. One time too many I've been driven out. On futile search my substance to exhaust, In barren soil to sow my crop of doubt. I am no longer young. My years have worn Onto the age I ought to put down...

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Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas

Anybody can jump ship, Just insist Ambition, at least that's nice. This isn't ever going to be a problem. Scriminations, as they say. And anyways, The Lady Giddens was a rather lovely ship. The leather-clad elemental stormed the frigate, racketed...

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Dear Concerned Estranged

I saw that you left me a voicemail. I noticed you sent me a card. I know you're expecting an answer, But finding the time is so hard. The gods and the ghosts outside waiting, The skies underfoot in the street, The sunsets in sun-scented...


A Far Green Country

How often have I dreamed of such a place? How often have I seen those emerald fields, And in that dream, forgotten that I dreamed, That I would wake, had woken, and my life Dissolved into a peaceful deja vu That cannot be remembered? I can...

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Ragnarok - Epilogue

So ends the tale of Shane the Champion. Of his blood-brother, Varr the Last-to-Flee. Of Klau the Berserker, called the Blacksword. Of the Old Man, who some hold was a god. Of the lost Witchfolk, and their young Lady Who solely of her people is not...

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Ragnarok - XXVII

Somewhere it was autumn. On the shore Wind-kissed and smelling of soft salt there stood But three alone. The sighing pines atop The dunes were the last trees to wear their leaves. Somewhere it was evening. Heavy clouds Were crimson painted...

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Ragnarok - XXVI

The Sulfur Carrier had dug its claws Into the cliff face, on either side of The shallow crevice where the Old Man stood At bay. The rock walls were collapsing in. When he had thrust his spear into the breach To wedge it open, it had buckled and...

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Ragnarok - XXV

Darkness, and the stench of rotten eggs To make his eyes water. If he had held His hand before his face, Shane could have seen No glove, no fist, no color or outline. He did not bother to. He blinked the sting Out of his eyes, and strained toward...

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Ragnarok - XXIV

It grinned. It ripped a fist of mangling claws Down like a meteor. It gouged the stairs, Where Varr and the Old Man had stood away As could a spoon through cold whipped butter-cream, But they had ducked, had rolled under its palm As it passed just...

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Ragnarok - XXIII

Somewhere, amongst the ruins of ruins The legions of dishonored dead, hissing As might an immolated corpse upon A burning ship, at cold saltwater's touch, With agonizing slowness flung themselves Against the hated company who held, Though...

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