Character Sketch: Takenoko

I'm working on an advertising project for nike right now," takenoko offered. "and i work as a receptionist at the ad agency," mercedes cut in, her impatience showing a little. however, eric was clearly watching takenoko in fascination.

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Student body chapter 3

Alex looked back over to the tv back to showing some new tv show but he could envision the advert in his head, the girls all in a line up wearing the selection on sale. "they cater to cross dressers?"

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Dreamcatchers chapter 1

It was a small ad on the local newspaper website. the ad read "dreamcatcher needed. 6 hour shifts, midnight to 6am, 4 days a week. inquire at 425 moore st reet. inquire within at any hour.

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X for X2

The ad had said the box contained enough of the small packets in it in order to make ten full baths, and that made marc even more excited as he brought the box into his kitchen and cut it open.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Three

_toilet masseuse,_declared the next ad. _we believe that every toilet on earth is made in god's image.

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"Graditude" by Dean Shaw

Want to show my gra-ditude #by doing things what i do #by singing this song #if it takes the night long #i will dance a-round #your beautiful sound #you've got me going on #with writing this song #i am getting more wise #by getting ad-vice


Ridixin…Part Two

I think i should say no but when he asksme if me ad him could start a pack together i say "yes."

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Freddy Fazbear's Pizza origins (non-furry) ch2.

Teamed up with the wwe as a sponsor two days afterward kane a wwe superstar went in costume for a behind the scenes look at the attraction after an animatronic attempted to harm him kane chokeslammed the animatronic in fit of rage,punched ad

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Wächter ~ Destatikil

Hüllt mich ein in eure pracht wächter der nacht und des tages gebt mir eure unbegrenzte macht [vestavialum) destatis calynalielans destatis ýralans tidális' mes in gaikal, bryna destatis díelans destatis diatrymans ad

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Test of direct c&p formatted text from LyX

With lyx 2.0.6 test: format part test: new chapter test: new section test: new sub-section test: new sub-sub-section this is just a test to try out sofurry's enhanced editor wether the formatting will be taken over from lyx in the correct way -- as advertised

Motel Blues

The next channel was a springy doe doing an exercise, which advertised meditation with a beautiful, dark-coloured skunk would be up right after. "keep those arms flexing!" she said cheerfully, squatting down, the camera catching her tail.

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A New Kind of Paint Shop

"well, we need a subject for our advertising, hence the cameras." corey responds with a smile, pointing around to a few cameras, hidden from normal sight. "what am i doing?" cody asks nervously.

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