
And it's the new year babe. do something different for a change. have some holiday spirit. be nice."


Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet

On new years ever they drank a lot, watched nyc's new year eve party on tv, sang auld lang syne, and kissed each other good night. **chapter 8: popping the question** ** ** goody two shoes birthday was coming up.


The Love Between Two Close Friends.

A couple of months past till it came to the new year, were li-li soon relized that all hope was not lost, she felt that burning once more deep inside her, she knew that she had the love for matt like she always has but had gone the wrong way about things,

Dragon's Christmas Adventure

Donkey replied, "why the new year's eve party, of course, shrek. don't tell me now that ogres don't celebrate new year's eve either? but you're in luck shrek.

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Quandro Llegare Al Bohio? (When Is my Return Home?)

And so the old wolf eliades found himself on new years' eve, 2008 waiting for the sun to set so the 50th anniversary of castro's victory could begin.

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A Libertine Looks Forward

year looms in the very near future.

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A Yule Night

They all curled up by the fire welcoming the new year in their own way, by sleeping next to the old year dying.

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A Dream Chp: 7 Memories

It had been 6 months since our new year's party, 6 months of not knowing if she would wake up. now that she has, i can't wait to feel her fur against mine again.

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Year Of The Rabbit

"we will continue this work, and yes, we will continue to make our anthropomorphized humans to release on the chinese new year.

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Inferno High - Chapter 18

[sorry, in a hurry and can't think] new years eve. a time of beautiful celebration. friends come over, people play games, count down to the stroke of midnight, and everyone cheers and toasts to a new year. mean while, couples kiss in celebration.

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Besides, it's a new year so i want to try something new. erik: but fan interviews are so 2006. this is 2014. silver: i know what i'm doing! (silver walks right into a pole) silver: i meant to do that.

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Don's crush part 1

Being out of breath, he thought, 'their goes my new year goal,' looking down, 'maybe i should do something easyer, like working out,......or i should just start walking to school,' he stared to walk, rubbing his face.

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