Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla (Revised Edition)

He noticed a large patch of water seem to flex and sway unnaturally, almost as if something was coming up from the surface... something unnatural.

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Zombiology - Grizzly Bear

The unnatural stillness only worked to increase the king's fear. instincts far older than himself drove him to run, to find safety, that fighting carried too much risk.

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Warm eyes

Your paws freeze as an unnatural chill climbs slowly up your spine, your breath catching as that same chill radiates outwards, touching every part of you, roughly caressing even the deepest darkest corners of your being.

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Preserving Those Inhabitants of the Dwindling Ice

There's hope even during a period of uncertainty and dismay we've identified the problem and ways to prevent further progression of what's happening now it's just a matter of figuring out how how to reverse the growth of the terrible seeds of an unnaturally

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A Dino's Crisis 4 - Danger Is Its Own Reward

The unnatural metallic shrieking made the pack panic with terror. _"wh-what was that!??" "what's going on!?! what is that sound!?!" "is it the beast!?!" "everyone, remain calm!"

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00 - Legacy of the White Demon

The building and rooms were well insulated, however, the unnatural cold was still seeping in in a lot of places and was causing buildup of frost on the walls and furniture.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty One

She could hear the breeze whistling in between the peaks, but other than that there was complete and utter, unnatural silence. "i can't hear it," she admitted. "what does it sound like?" "footsteps, miss adlis."

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Just a little something

The misshapen thing scuttled toward them with its unnatural, five-legged gait and- xythus stepped ahead of him. he said something. it was a word, but it wasn't a word.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 2 - Spirits -

As he stumbled around he looked at the lake once more, its surface unnaturally calm and looked as though it was glass.

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Skinwalkers, Chapter Five

But even though this man _was_ smiling at him, it wasn't the unnatural grin of the trespasser from that morning. "looks like you've had an accident," he said, eyeing zave's wreck. "you okay?'

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The world of Aeurn: History of the planet

Born originally as a humble blacksmith, palador's unnatural strength and ferocity when the lizard-kin attacked his village brought him reknown.

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Part of a story

First person 'ughh' i grunt as i do a not so graceful landing on the unnaturally smooth marble floor. my fur doing fuck all to soften the landing.

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