The Cube

Josiah typed quickly, how many others like me have you helped?

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The Micro Editor

Every time i try to type something i wound up accidentally putting my finger down on her tail, or she climbs onto my finger.

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Intro to the Wonderbolts Initiative & your Flight Magic Primer

That's right, they manipulate fire like a wind type makes blades of air.

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Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 1 - A Tormented Beauty

Argy lay down next to the grass type, pushing himself against her. they were about the same size but he knew from his experience that grass-type pokemon weren't so heavy at all. "please...try to get on my back...."

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Neko City2040 (Bio's)

Enjoy. n.n \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ name: kinechi meku age: 18 d/o/b: december 16 sex: male, straight type: feline, neko style of clothing

All The Above

Because its evolution pulled it toward so many different types they ended up equalizing! all that effort to change its type, and ultimately it remained normal type!

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 1

He reached down to type one handed: _like the view, bunnywolf?_ _...fuck..._ _another satisfied customer,_ thought venti.

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The Guardians of Time Ep2-New Life.

He has a skinny body type. weapon - axes (note: the text was taken from their text refs, and have zero idea that the time realm exists along with their weapons)

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Rebirth ch26

I don't see any bird type pokemon in the air and that is what has me worried.' i stopped talking for a bit and sent out my psychic senses and tried to pick up on at least one type of bird pokemon.

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Royal Wolves- Past and present

Name- taro jun matsumoto age- 19 appearance- he is a grey wolf with normal length black hair, with a skinny body type with normal brown eyes.

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Cinder And Bone: Chapter One

Marowak panted faintly in the grass type's grip. his eyes remained closed. the beedrill chimed in.

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Childhood Friends

Xp_ **ice-ice-baby** is typing... **ice-ice-baby** : _indeed_ _well, i guess i'll see u then. ^^ message when u guys get here._ **ice-ice-baby** is typing...

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