Ferrymen's Voyage

Those who sailed the endless sea of night, threaded the sun's rays, and charted the stars. to the common folk they are known as the ferrymen.

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Sixteen

All he had to do was use enough thread that it wouldn't break free when he flapped.

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 19.

Black threads were connected between her fingers as she manipulated the scene before her. "get lost in your nightmare. let your own mind devour you."

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Changing Larvesta

It crawls up the special thread, the first of the many, many layers catching alight. he settles in for the long wait, knowing this will take time.

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Kohaku, What's Happiness?

I, "snow" forgot my color so i changed white, while my father as a needle and my mom as a thread made me happiness with the hard work of the neede and the colors of thread. i was thinking only about myself and left them.

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Everwinter Ch23: Shackles of Gold

I ascended the stairs and felt the aether blossom around me, it drummed in my mind and i followed its beat with a rushing torrent of threads.

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The Yard Sale

I can't see to thread the needle on the sewing machine, and my hands can't take the pressure of hand sewing, ..."

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Chapter One: The first step of a thousand mile journey

#1 of threads of destiny in which our journey begins from behind aimee's eyes. **threads of destiny** **chapter 1** : _the first step of a thousand mile journey_ (aimee) "are we there yet?"

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Kingdom Hearts III Imagined Final Confrontation

We cannot truly comprehend how many hearts we will have touched in the course of our lifetimes, how many are connected by invisible, interwoven threads to our own.


Chapter 1: Cursing librarians and Squeaking raccoons

But later on i took one of those horses, added a bat pony and wrote in the /bat/ threads a little. that's how "horse out of heck was born". it was a horrendous, naturally. and here we are.

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There Be Monsters Out There

She had to resist the sudden panic that screamed at the husky to lunge out and seize the mana threads around her.

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I worry about you.

The thread lightly tugged and jerked as it was pulled through his skin. "you matter to me. doesn't that count for anything?" jessica continued in her thoughts to her guardian.

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