Cinnamon 12: Warrior Spirit

A most fearsome guardian, a monster so foul it was known to all as the dread beast of aaiiee, stood between the warrior and the steppes, ready and waiting to snare her in its terrible grasp, and devour her whole.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 122 - Round Two

The tigers sloughed off their backpacks, but before emeral had a chance to take off her shoes, she was snared into a hug. her arms slipped beneath his, holding him tightly. she felt him start to quiver, and lurch.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 14

I just have to get home in time to do my homewo--" his breath was cut short as emeral snared his body into a tight hug. arms and all he was snared, so that he couldn't even return the embrace.

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Preview of Mana-arachnid. May 23 Monthly.

Slaying the spider was one thing, yet when the boots she received as a reward turn out to be cursed, she stumbles into the slain spider's snares... she felt something off several paces later.

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The Unamed Heir

Giving his foe a chance to strike back as his blows were parried and blocked until his opponent made the mistake of blocking a thrust as bronn slammed his shield to his chest sending him crashing to the ground when the roots of the trees suddenly came alive snaring

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Hawt Proxy Part 3

Soon enough though, both of us let a note ring out, and kurt hit his hi-hat and snare simultaneously a few times, then jay screamed out some opening lines, and the lights came on as the band came in.

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Kovu and Mipa: Kovu's Love

Her glare and the obvious effort she'd been through to reform the snare sent a pang of guilt down kovu's spine. it was true he had been gone much longer than he'd anticipated.

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A New Age

This time all three warriors attacked at once catching kairos completely off guard as he tried to snare them into his claws.

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Quiet of the Night

Instead i was caught in a snare. trapped with ash. tempted by blood. so close and yet so far. it was confusing. infuriating. i clenched fists. my claws dug into my wrists. i trembled in rage and snarled into the darkness. the sound carried.

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Chapter 3: The rise of Exstacy (Part 2)

This time she put a snare jutsu on exstacy, completely disabing movement. vixen noded and then said," i call upon you, the beastly flames! the fire that lights your anger, fuels your hunger for death.... give me your power to strike down my enemy!"

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Unwelcome Reunions Second Snare [Part 3/4]

The message had come through half an hour before Ashari had checked it. The phone had just shown him an image link, rather than the image itself. It was only when three text messages came in a row after that he lifted the phone to see what it was. ...

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 27

I untied the snare. i was quick. i wanted to set it free. i wanted to send it on its way. it was mewling for mommy so badly, but did it show any thanks? no! did its mommy understand i was only trying to help? no! she charged me down and ripped my chest!

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