[PE] To The Third Power - Chap 5 Excerpt

It had occurred to her that she might be seeing something scientifically provable - like seeing people moving around in alternate dimensions as shadows within her own. but if that was true, then the shadows shouldn't be aware of her.

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The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three

And served only as a collection for scientific study -no more than twenty years ago.

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The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration

The people who went under a gender identity that was not scientifically proven turned out to be bi-polar and some other dangerous mental illnesses that left untreated could be catastrophic for humanity as a whole.

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Where can Kyruku be found?

Kyruku are very scientifically driven, and as such, many times, their career choices and backgrounds will come as a result of their upbringing in their home 'facilities', deep underground complexes that house millions and millions of their species all across

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Out Of Time - Book 5: Times up - Chapter 2: Finding The Truth

"maldavious belonged to a slightly secretive scientific division called 'advanced mutantions and genetic enhancements'. a company that sells powers to the highest bidders."


Stella Novus - Chapter I, Viæ

He wore the dark red uniform of the scientific branch, his jacket collar with silver piping. affixed to the collar were three insignia: the scientific branch's shield, the blue meteor, and a white and platinum q.

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World of Osmis: Nations

City state: industrial state of morotor nederom:- the most scientifically advanced nation of the world and are currently in the lead in mecha science and development.

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The Traveling Chronicles of Twix: Ch1. Island of Furs :Not finished

Combining electricity and mystical manners without any scientific explanation, the city of these creatures is much different, crafted stone and wood buildings, underground labyrinths streachign the entire island, a currency system and government, a self contained

The World Games Convention - Chapter 2: A letter to Dewi

I think he does computer science, though i'm not sure what's so scientific about computers. seems more like an engineering thing instead of a laboratory think. ah well i'm sure i'll find out.

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Meeting Love - Chapter 4

A glass book cabinet is set into the wall, showing off various titles, from scientific biographies to ludicrous fiction. the bay window lets in the sight of the garden, along with buckets and buckets of light.

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Venom, Episode 2

Though 'base' is what we call it, it's essentially a large, armor plated apartment with some scientific equipment in the biggest room. the whole building is similarly constructed for supers.

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Embracing the Field (Part 2 of 3)

"i know it is not considered a... strictly scientific pursuit, due to the psychological focus..."

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