Shadow's everyday life continued
(wake me up) wake me up inside (i can't wake up) wake me up inside (save me) call my name and save me from the dark. (wake me up) bid my blood to run (i can't wake up) before i come undone (save me) save me from the nothing i've become.
Bonds of Love (15)
"that's right ghost we will save brian." i smiled slightly he's made an army to come save him without knowing it. he got close to these people and so did kino. i stood up with stephen and noah. "let's go save them!"
And I Must Scream
We learn more about fran back on earth saving and being saved by people in her life. "you go to hell for the company, and to heaven for the peace and quiet."
Chapter 12:Answers and Field trips Part 2
My life (this song saved my life) my life my life (this song saved my life) my life my life (this song saved my life) my life my life this song saved my life.
Pitch Episode 45: The End
Nothing i do is enough to save me. i wasn't meant to last," he raved. "then do better," i yelled. "fuck you," he replied.
The Last Act of True Loyalty
Emily had not the strength to save silva. "emily!!" what are you thinking squirt you can barely fly five feet." "i don't care i have to try to save you some how."
The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 9
I'll be hunted by it, and i will endanger any beings i saved. it means that i started a new mistake." "ah...but you saved the realm, right?"
Evensong for Flock and Pack
So save me a place by the fireside, love, before you go blindly to bed. save me a place by the fireside, man. you must know what i have been through. who has not walked through the valley of death?
The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a constitution saving throw. on a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.
Author's Freedom
Suddenly, he sees a burning house, and in one of the windows, there is a cat to save! brian saves the cat. _"no, i don´t! i wont go in there for a cat!"_ i said, **brian saves the cat.** _"hell no. i´m even allergic against cats.
The corpse flower, Rafflesia (PMD:WNA 6)
I'll save you, just wait!" 'save me? you'll save me? me?' my eyes widened. my tears were blocking my vision, i blinked to clear them. i was rising off the ground. one of my feet just lifted. "ron! please! i'm coming to save you, just hold on!"
the start of a new book
The power to save the many others that are in the darkness".