Prologue part 2
There it was petitioned that a group be taken out to help lift the log off and carry the body back into the village. she was left there on the lap of the elder umbreon, shadowshroud.
File #2
"we could have petitioned the romulan government to release the terrorist to us. your aggressive charge across the neutral zone has already made that an impossibility!"
Fury in the Pheasant's Wings
Yes, all the humans in the village had been quietly awaiting this moment, petitioning the king of the universe to end this drought and they were not alone in their petitons.
Burdens - Chapter 75: Tension
Send up a petition, i don't care. this is my team and they are my players. i know what's best for them, so put that through your thick skull and learn to accept that you can't get everything you want."
My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo
So she took him from the wings of arcturus the hound of death and petitioned for his soul. the shin-kami was curious about liftramo's fate but was no so easily swayed.
Wind of Change: Chapter 4
He led a campaign to return his people back from slavery and petitioning the freedom to endragas like himself. problem is, he hasn't got anywhere on trying to find a good term with other kaf'raks."
Snapshots - The Show Must Go On
Zee petit garçon recalls proper etiquette in zee presence of his madame."
The Holy Mountain of Vengeance
They say that he who climbs it may petition to odurum (of the ever-tended anger, may his eye turn not upon us,) and he who has not justice, there he may at least find vengeance if the lord of endless anger looks with empathy upon him.
Matteus Chapter 3 "River's House"
Bryan's mom gave her son's petit friend a bright smile. "if you wish to, you can stay for supper." "don't worry mom, martin told me on the way here he'd like to stay for dinner," the younger wolf piped in while pointing to a door at the end of the hall.
File #1 - "Legacy"
It was kiska, now a commanding officer herself, that had petitioned captain nicholson to choose her daughter, ensign kiska meiru to be his new helm officer, feeling she could learn much from the "grizzled old palukoo".
Final Hope
They'll need her to petition the council to send aid to evacuate the rest of her country. she may hate us now, but she'll have a chance to save what's left because of us."
Mega Garoozis
I remember that._ opening his mouth in what was meant to be laughter from the cruel irony which had befallen petit dragon all which came out was a ear splitting roar.