Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 35: The More You Look The Less You See (Places Both Known And Unknown Part IV)
"look another obelisk." professor stern said pointing at her monitor. "at the bottom of the chasm?!" alex winter march 7, yoe 34
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 109: The Future Of Our Future Part 1
I responded joining them on the platform between the obelisks. "i selected myself and corbin because we initially made contact with naka's group near world three.
Initiation into Hydromancy
A small caravan arrived at the city outskirts just as rainbow light began to filter down from the crystal obelisks, carrying with it trade goods and weary travellers from the distant renthani town of keryn.
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If the architecture was here before an ulgeng community, the street planning generally goes unmodified, save for the black marble obelisks which some of the stonework has been transitionally replaced with.
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I follow isiat as he leads his son by the paw down the cobblestone path towards the towering obelisk in the center of the field. there are a few other people there, but it's a quiet gathering.
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It was a crossroads, an obelisk standing at the center, and a few stone benches sat just off the cobblestone circle.
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Black sharp obelisks suddenly shot up from the water all around him, impaling the sky itself which appeared to be nothing more than a now-cracked ceiling. yet still he heard nothing, wading onwards through the thick seawater.
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After a few seconds, his eyes started slowly crossing, as his entire body fell limp onto the fist-obelisk with a steady fall of drool covering both men's arms.
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There's no way they'll be able to break through obelisks," ben whispered. titan gave ben a heavy pat on the back and crouched down to catch his gaze, "but they will provide the distraction that we need."
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The obelisk shatters with the force of the blast, shooting polished marble in every direction, shattering several of the manor's stained glass windows. quinn holds onto aarden's hand, ducking to avoid the rubble flying toward them.
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And resting upon one of the rune-inscribed obelisks, as if gazing and preceding over the gathering, was varkner, the wise elder's owl dreampal.
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An enormous double doorway was at the center, flanked by a pair of stone obelisks, each of which was capped by a polished, pyramid-shaped tip made from the black and red stone the boys had seen on the beach.